Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Extra ordinary 2016

Don't let a vicious Dog remind you that you can truly run at lightening speed. Just begin to practice on your own

Who are you in the year 2016? have you made up your mind what you want to be? No farmer begins to prepare his/her farm in the rain season. The farmer never waits for the rainy season to show up, the farmer knows that the rainy season will come and they prepare for it.

We always let trouble remind us that we can actually achieve bigger things. We begin to work in an organization and believe we will last in there forever until retrenchment knocks unexpectedly. Organizations or companies have no feelings. Therefore, start to plan your life while you can

The biggest joke of the year is making new years' resolution on new years' day. we all know the new year will come. But how much time do we take to prepare what we want to achieve in good time. Do we even wright down a plan of action? Lets get a cue from the almighty God the creator of all things. God is a planner and the Bible actually says He starts from the end before He begins. May be you are not following me on this. Let me remind you a story from the Bible book of Genesis 15:13-16. God promises Abraham children but He says they shall go into slavery for 400 years in a strange land that we all know was Egypt. Why is God doing such a disservice to a man who desperately needs a child? For sure He has told Abraham that his seed shall come to worship Him in the Land that He has given Abraham i.e. Canaan. But only after they have been in slavery. Wow

To understand what God is trying to do, lets fast forward to the time of Moses. God commanded Moses to build a Tabernacle as His only dwelling place in the midst of the children of Israel as is recorded in the books of Exodus to Deuteronomy. The Tabernacle was built with specific requirements that required mathematical, architectural and  design skills. 

Now lets backup to grand pa Abraham. He was a good man, righteous and a farmer. One thing is he did not know how to read or write. He was a professional farmer in his own rights. Therefore, if Abraham's seed would be required to meet God and have Him in their midst, Abraham was not going to be the best mentor to pass down mathematical or construction skills they would require to build the Tabernacle piece of Architecture. To achieve this, they would be required to acquire writing, mathematical and construction skills. These skills where only available in Egypt. God needed the children of Abraham in Egypt to learn the skills and they were going to assimilate the knowledge and skills under harsh circumstances. The knowledge you gain under pressure, you will never lose. The Bible records that they built the cities in Egypt. They needed that knowledge to come and use it to build the Ark of the covenant with the required precision. When you read the story of the children of Israel in the book of Exodus, don't cry because of what they went through, they needed to go through all that trouble to become who they have become as a nation.

Most of you have become the people you are today because of what you went through in life. Therefore, thank God for the troubles you went through because out of it all you learnt how to plan your life.

Have a prosperous New Year and not a Pompous new year 

Friday, November 20, 2015

Wishful Thinking is NOT JUST ENOUGH

The man who acquires the ability to take full possession of his own mind may take possession of anything else to which he is justly entitled. 
 ~Andrew Carnegie 
The most significant differences between poor people and rich people are  that, poor people wish to be rich while rich people are committed to taking action to becoming rich. Poor people waste time on talking about how people are getting rich without a practical conclusion while the rich discuss emerging opportunities and how to take advantage of them. Poor people discuss and worry about the problems they are going through while the rich look at the problems and identify opportunities in the problem. Poor people allow circumstances to control their thought life while the rich determine what they want to see happen in their life. You can either allow life to happen to you or tell life how to happen to you every day. The choice is yours! Its time to move beyond Wishing to proactive Thinking

Most of us have been taught to follow the crowd.  We subscribe to "tribal" thinking, which is the thinking of the masses.  It is not easy to break from this type of thinking, or non-thinking. In my African context, the idea of holding tradition dear to the heart is highly considered even if it does not serve the masses. In the African traditions, there used to be very retrogressive practices such as sexual cleansing of widows and widowers. The masses were so committed to conducting the practice after every death as a way of making the dead rest in peace. However, when HIV came on the scene, it changed the whole ball game and the practice has seen a significant if not total decline. People came to realize that either somebody lied to them or the dead had changed their minds. I believe selfishness was at the core of such evil practices. Therefore, commitment to the norms of a clan or tribe is something that you may have to rethink in most of life’s endeavors. A lot
of people find thinking outside the popular way a huge stumbling block because they believe what social, political, religious and other authority figures have told them is "true".
There is a lot of fear tied up in leaving the tribe. However, you will never experience true freedom or riches unless you learn to think for yourself.  But to do this, you must be capable of critical thought - which is something the members of the tribe cannot do. Some sections of the poor African rural areas sometimes may not even know that they are poor. Hence, they don’t even know how to start to think any other way than the tribe’s way
Put another way - most people don't know how to think.  They have been told WHAT to think for so long, they no longer know HOW to think.  It’s like the traditional Education System that has for a long time taught every student what to think. We have been busy working so hard academically just to pass the examination so that we can graduate and possibly get a good job. True, the education system has helped us to understand out environment and how to relate to it. But that is just a start. What is you began to use your knowledge and use it to exploit the resources you have learnt whole your life and turn them into value. Put Simply:
Freedom and riches require you to think contrary to what the tribe is thinking.  If you have not yet began to achieve the things you desire in life, try to look around yourself and the group you are in. you may not have realized that you are actually thinking like everybody else around you. And it ALWAYS requires you to question the beliefs you hold, on everything.  This is not easy
because we are addicted to certainty.  
We would rather be certain about our beliefs than face the fact that what we believe may not be "true".  But the more you question what the tribe believes the more you will realize that they are
hypnotized. You don't have to wait for them to wake up from the trance.  You can do it right now!

In Their eyes We Looked like Grasshoppers

  WE are so Great as Africans no wonder someone has spent all their energies to convince us that we are nothing. Unfortunately, we have beli...