Thursday, March 2, 2017

Men From Mars! Need TR4N5F0RM4TI0N

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." -Maya Angelou
Image result for pregnant woman images freeI was going through my usual routine of reading through the online media to see what news was trending and I came across an article where people were debating whether to withhold pay for women on maternity leave or not. I do not know the forum on which this agenda item is being discussed but as a freelance writer I thought why not talk about it. 

It is not about whether people are talking about maternity leave or not, the question is why should anyone even bring it as an agenda item? Without worrying about which gender is for or against with-holding pay for women on maternity leave, I will address my fellow men and give them reasons why they should not even dream to bring it on the table. For starters all men (male) were born from women, therefore, don't get cocky thinking you are too clever to believe women are second class citizens because some mother had to go on maternity leave of some kind because she had to give birth to you. Men, can you punish women for the very phenomenon that brought you into existence? Some Men seem to have short memories and that is the reason why more often than not they spend their life chasing illusions. Think about it, a man can look at two ladies one slim and another fat and their mind can tell them that the fat one would be more delicious (for lack of better term) than the slim one and they believe it without even thinking twice about it. I call it chasing illusions because it is all in your mind. Who has bewitched you guys? You are conceived in a woman's womb, nurtures your growth for nine months in which she gives up everything including her beauty, diet just to ensure you are born right, she gives birth to you and looks after you in the first crucial five years of you infancy so you don't die from communicable diseases. Alas! when you get an education you even have the guts to begin to discuss if at all she has any rights or not, Shame on you!!!

How many men will not agree with me that they owe their success to their mother's sacrifices and that had she given up on them they would have died or ended up in something in that category. Some of you where even born as premature babies and cried all night long, not forgetting the 'pupu' she had to deal with all day long. Are men discussing the issue of maternity from the planet MARS? listen, leave the women alone they are doing everything to keep the population alive. A wonder what a country of only men would look like. I know that the topic of maternity leave was being discussed in the light of Performance based system for employees. Well as Africans are quick to borrow concepts from God knows where and too lazy to think on their own customized methods. Africans have very educated economists but running broken down economies which cannot be fixed by the over qualified economists who in my opinion are more of academic critics based on theoretical models. Be careful with 'cut and paste' systems

The bottom line is take your hands off the maternity leave issue before you shoot yourself in the FOOT. Just ask the question, how did she get pregnant in the first place, by the Holy Ghost?      

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