Tuesday, August 24, 2021

The great achievements of tomorrow follow the steps you are ready to take today: "From Pain to Power"

“I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet” ~Mahatma Gandhi

Do you wonder why every time you go to try and buy something nice for yourself such as a dress or pair of trousers in an exclusive shop or boutique and the first thing you do is to look at the price of a particular item you seem interested in? Why can’t you just go in and pick what you want and pay for it without worrying about the price? Isn’t it frustrating that the type of clothes you would really want to have seem always above your paycheck?  The kind of clothes that represents, correctly of wrongly, the wealthy portrayal of you, and in your mind seem to be worn by other people who you label as crooks to earn the kind of money to afford luxuries. No! They may not be crooks. Most of them are just ordinary people who have made decisions to take relevant actions to better their lives 

The truth in life is that we all need money to help answer to all the things we need; Food, shelter, clothes, entertainment and everything else in the hierarchy of our needs. We desire wealth and abundance but we may not realize that everything we believe to have or not to have, all flows from the dominant perceptions that we have developed in the course of our life’s journey.

Some wise man once wrote “How you perceive wealth and abundance is a very personal thing. For some, wealth means having a comfortable life for themselves and their family. For others, wealth means living a life of luxuries and not having to worry about a budget. How you define and perceive wealth and abundance is entirely up to you”.

Wealth and money do not flow in a vacuum. Money follows purpose anyway, why should money flow to you when you have no purpose for it? That is the reason why big money won through lottery has been known to be lost within a short period by the winner. Anything you do not understand, you will abuse. If one does not understand the purpose of a wife, wife abuse will be prevalent and vice versa.

One lesson I have learnt in achieving the little and big things in life is to realize that the results of tomorrow depend entirely on the steps and actions taken today. I don’t need to expect to harvest maize tomorrow when I haven’t planted any today. What is cardinal is that I must build the mindset of change. The mindset of imagining the life that I desire to live and explore the changes I need to make in my personal life in order to achieve it. Above all the mindset to love wealth and money. Anything you love, you will always attract into your life and what you hate will always elude you. How many people do you hate and are your friends? My guess is that the people you love have become your friends and some probably your spouse. I have rarely seen a couple that hate each other with a passion and are still married if not divorced or on their way there. Do something today that enables you to conquer tomorrow. The only one you need to rescue you is yourself and the perceptions that you have developed about wealth and abundance which you can share with others that God will put in your life’s path. Poverty is not an item that you must strive to share.


Friday, August 20, 2021

One Page in a very Long Book of Life! "From Pain to Power"

 "You are not defined by what happens to You, But what you do with what happens to you defines the real YOU"

Life was never designed to be made of "a bed of roses" for anybody. From life's experiences, pain seems to be the bedrock on which countless lives are built. It all seems like the devil is the default entity from which everything flows in this life. When you ask the next person you meet on your way around, I bet you will hear the degree to which they tell the pain which has disabled them in the story of life. It's as if God the almighty has abandoned humanity.

You may have been abused to the point of even attempting suicide, probably even wrongly imprisoned for something you may not have done. Just remember one thing, the bigger the destiny, the higher the 'pain-ometer' required to birth it. You may even wonder why everybody around could even be throwing trash or call it 'shit' on you for no good reason and whatever you do, people always look for what is wrong with it. Have you ever woke up and the first thing that crosses your mind is how you expect things to go wrong in your life?

Take comfort in the fact that everything you are seeing right now was designed for you by the Almighty not by accident but by purpose. Even when you feel like you are being buried under the trash that life keeps heaping on you, just know that you are a seed from God and seeds always grow under trash. The 'shit' that life is throwing at you is the fertilizer you actually need to shoot above the ground into the Power of your destiny. It's time to turn the Shit into Fertilizer just the same way that plants grow wonderfully under manure or fertilizer is the same way your life will blossom through the shit or pain of life.

The wisdom that you may have today was developed out of the pain that life allowed you to go through. Don't even cry over a failed relationship, Yes it failed and that was just one page in your long book of life. One closed door must give way to another new door to open because tomorrow is a new day and you will celebrate and thank yesterday's pain for ushering you into a new joyful day.

Pain is God's setup for your Powerful comeback. The pain we experience was never meant to last forever unless you allow it yourself by reliving your painful past today. It's just like the pain of childbirth which may endure for a moment but joy comes in the morning and we celebrate the coming of a newborn baby. 

We were designed to grow from pain. Even when you have achieved a certain level of success, don't get comfortable because life will conspire against you and bring the pain needed to push from where you are to another level because the top is always vacant and the bottom is always overcrowded. Look forward to good things coming into your life. It doesn't matter what your reality may look like today. 

Whatever you are going through today is just one page in your long book of success that God put together for you even before you were conceived, with a happy and joyful ending already decided. In essence, God did not allow you to be born before your successful end was completed. Everything you are going through good or bad is meant to propel you towards your glorious destiny. Don't bring the after-life heaven, into this mix.

God has not abandoned anyone, He has trust in the power and potential of what He created (man) to overcome, build and prosper. Don't misguide yourself and keep telling yourself that you are waiting for God. No! God is waiting on you to take up the rod of power in you to hit the surface of the red sea of life so that you cross into whatsoever you desire.


In Their eyes We Looked like Grasshoppers

  WE are so Great as Africans no wonder someone has spent all their energies to convince us that we are nothing. Unfortunately, we have beli...