Sunday, November 14, 2021


 You have experienced too many bad times. You have suffered enough. Your pain is going to be replaced with happiness, laughter, love, and blessings. 

Did you know that no plant ever grows well unless it is exposed to fertile soil which has either natural manure or synthetic fertilizer? Fertilizer or manure have the same base material called Fecal matter or to put it simply Shit or Feaces material. When Life wants to move you to your next version of power and prosperity, it deliberately throws you into the shit of life. However, it becomes your role to turn the shit into your fertilizer for growth. Haven’t you wondered how, even when you cry or mourn while going through tuff or difficult circumstances, the pain or difficulties don’t just vanish, but you have to endure the full course? It is as though God has simply forsaken you, No, God is up to something good for you

When evil people throw you onto the dumpsite of trash or shit, don’t resist but land there with grace and laughter because healthy plants always grow well and fast out of shit. In the ignorance of evil people, they think they are fixing you when they are actually building you a crown of honor.

Therefore, in every instance, tap into your inner strength. Take back your life. Choose to love yourself unconditionally no matter what you go through in life. What you give yourself, you also be able to give another person because no one pours from an empty cup.

You're going to overcome the difficult period of life with grace. It's going to be okay. Take a deep breath and acknowledge the opportunity to grow beyond your pain

Be the vessel of eternal oil that blesses everyone in your path. There is more in you than you think. Don’t worry about things you don’t have but thank God for the little that you may have. Whatever you appreciate, will also appreciate in your life.

You are Great and the devil knows that well and that’s why he keeps gathering groups of negative people to keep calling you what you are not just to keep you downtrodden. The great wisdom is that you only know what you are by what you are not. Therefore, stop defending yourself. Let them keep calling you foolishly what you are not so that they keep reminding you of what you really are.

It doesn’t matter where you were born. You could have even been born in a manger, but because you were born there, people will celebrate Christmas figuratively. Don’t underestimate the power of destiny. Destiny does not depend on your religion or in anyone’s hands, it depends on you and your resolve because the Kingdom of God is in you waiting to be unleashed by you.    

Wake up and live life to the full

In Their eyes We Looked like Grasshoppers

  WE are so Great as Africans no wonder someone has spent all their energies to convince us that we are nothing. Unfortunately, we have beli...