Sunday, January 30, 2022

The Reason Why Men don’t have breasts but only 'Titis'

The moral of the Satire: "Your gift will always grow naturally"


A satirical story is told on the reason men do not have breasts and is set at the time of creation when the creator was dishing out breasts to His creatures. “It is believed that the men chose to send the women to collect breasts for them from the creator. However, as things are not always enough to go around, there were only two sets of breast options depending on who arrived first that is, full breasts with an inbuilt algorithm to grow naturally and Titis (Nipples) with dead roots with no ability to grow. Therefore, the proactive women having arrived first collected the full breasts package and brought to the men what was left, the ‘Titis’ with dead roots, and pasted them on the guys' chests. The men were not pleased at all and set out on a mission to see if they could develop some breast projection too and started lifting weights. However, no matter how hard the men tried with weight lifting they always ended with a look-alike breasts projection and damaged body muscles”

The moral of this satire begins with what Aristotle once said and I quote “Knowing yourself is the beginning of wisdom”. Each one of us was born with a unique God-given gift that is priceless and unless one identifies what their unique gift is, they will die poor yet so rich and a tombstone will have to be erected at their gravesite just to remind others that somebody once lived on this Earth. Some people are gifted musicians, writers, footballers, inventors, cooks, and communicators, the list is endless. One must identify their gift and nature it because your God-given gift will grow naturally if you know you have it and develop it. It’s a gift that does not require one to even go to University to learn it but grows naturally when nurtured and sharpened by the host. Women do not have to lift weights for their breasts to grow, they grow naturally it’s their gift. It doesn’t even need prayer to set it up. If you are a footballer, begin to sharpen your skills by practicing and watching, at the same time learning how some of the best footballers do their thing. If you are a cook or musician, nature that skill. Whenever you try to be what you are not, you will get hurt and frustrated because your gift was designed to make you a 'life' and anything else will only afford you to make a living. Your gift will impact the world and you won’t even need a tombstone engraved with your name. Your gift will even make Google add your name as an official NOUN on the Internet. You can retire from working for others but your gift will ‘make you a life’ for life. What would you choose?

You can be in formal employment right now but your God-given gift is still with you and waiting for you. As the saying goes if you are not chasing your dream, others will use or employ you to help them chase their dreams. Consider your job as your capital to finance your gift because sometimes you can’t think properly on an empty stomach or are homeless. There are no coincidences in life and there is always a reason you are found or set up in certain places. Some people join the medical profession without knowing that they actually are carrying a hospital within them that they are gifted to own but need to know how it can be managed.

Ask yourself the questions “Who am I” “What is my gift” and “Why am I here on Earth” When you find the answers to these questions and act appropriately, you have just begun to know the truth that sets you free and to gain the key to your Kingdom locked inside of you. After that you are unstoppable. Haven’t you heard of lawyers who have quit their practice to follow their passion in food production and have become super successful! Well, you could be next as you unleash the Kingdom of God within you on earth. But take it one day at a time and don’t you go and resign your job just because some motivational speakers said so, No! Just know that wherever you are, that’s your starting point, it’s the next steps that are crucial

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