Monday, February 17, 2014


Drop the wrong thought and you lose the problem it creates.
             ~Vernon Howard

As the year 2018 builds up steam into its second semester think about this, Many People go through life thinking about why they are not making it big or succeeding in Life. They believe all they see is failure and obstacles knocking on the doorsteps of their life. They believe life has special classes of blessed or fortunate people and another class of cursed people. They have chosen to believe that everything will always go wrong and will always happen only to them at the wrong time. Does this line sound familiar to anybody? I used to think like that and I reaped the benefits of the consequences of such retrogressive thinking. One thing has become clear to me that ‘As man thinketh so is he’ adage. No one can ever rise above their own thoughts. Our thoughts form who we are in life. Even the friends we are surrounded with think like we do. The Christian Bible actually say “can two walk together, except they be agreed” Amos 3:3. Sometimes you really need to change the type of friends you have in order to rise above what you currently are.  The thoughts we think are the seeds we sow for our personal growth or personal downfall. If one thinks low they will go low and if one thinks high they will go high. The thoughts we think about ourselves form part of our self-image. if you think highly of yourself you will walk with a high self-image and will not wait for others people’s praise in order to feel important. Therefore, one can never ever become prosperous or rich by thinking riches are not destined for them. Therefore, one must be careful with the thoughts they entertain in their mind which is part of our brain system. Like one wise thinker said our brain is our human software swimming in biochemical substance in the head. It will take your thoughts as input, process the thoughts and produce the actual results of that input. If you are thinking big business, the output will definitely be big business manifesting in one’s life. The thoughts we keep develop our language. Those who think about problems always talk about problems. The words we speak have life and death embedded in them; you are either building or killing yourself with your own words, therefore, stop blaming others for your problems. Your own mouth has been doing all the damage…
As for my fellow world citizens in the so called developing countries, let us stop playing the victim. I have come to believe that where one was born does not determine one’s destiny. It’s time for us to begin to think about great ideas. We are all God’s highest form of creation and greatness is already wired in our DNA
Start today and begin to think big (to borrow Zig Zigglar’s phrase ‘aim for the top, the bottom is overcrowded’). If you believe it you will make it

Today’s quote is adapted from
The only limits in our life are those we impose on ourselves.
~ Bob Proctor
Stay a champion of your life!!!!!!

Bright Mulenga

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