Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Game Over

If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere.

~Frank A. Clark

As we all have begun to traverse the lengths and breadths of the New Year, we may begin to get саught up in the past mеntаl lоорing сусlеs of what happened to us and the negative impact of whatever it was, had left in our lives. It could have been a bad breakup from someone you loved so dearly, a lost job or business opportunity, betrayal including turned-down employment chances. Many times, even though such unfortunate events could have happened two, three or 10 years in the past, someone could still be focusing and replaying the event оvеr and over again in one’s mind, without realizing that they have bееn focusing on thе раѕt or put simply been playing in a game that ended a long time and its actually not there anymore. Every game has a specific playtime. Soccer is played over 90 minutes and after that, you could have extra time, but even then it is only for a limited time extension. The point is that every game must end. Whatever traumatic event happened in your life in the past was just a game and at some point, it ended. You could have been a student at the time but now you may even have achieved some levels of success. Therefore, every time you replay your traumatic past in your mind, you are merely recreating the situation in the present and that will attract the past results right to you in some form in the present. Your mind creates a visual display unit where you and I can create our own life's movies (future). But it depends on the type of movie you are creating for yourself, Horror or action. This is the reason why people keep dating people with the same characteristics of a former lover. For example, one could have had a bad break up with ‘John Doe’ but as a consequence, they keep living with the fear that probably even the next potential date they meet might be like ‘John Doe’. But guess what, the mind will ensure that this fear is fulfilled by attracting men with John Doe’s characteristics, to make the prophecy come true. Put simply, you are your own prophet. Replaying your traumatic past into your present cripples your ability to face the future with confidence and power because the mind projects the past failures into your future and leave you disempowered. Remember, whatever you are afraid off persists

Here are two wоrdѕ that have helped me deal with past failures. When I remember the people who broke my heart or mistreated me, I remind myself that the broken heart or abuse was just an event, a game that no longer is and I declare “GAME OVER”. Therefore, to end the ‘John Doe’ syndrome by the lady dating clones of John Doe, she should begin to declare ‘Game Over’ to the ‘John Doe’ event and look forward to a good man. 

Thе mоmеnt I rеаliѕе I am reliving something in the past thаt dоеѕn't serve аnу purpose now, I ѕау to mуself: Game Over. Nо оnе iѕ playing that раѕt gаmе anymore аnd nеithеr ѕhоuld I. When thinking of my past, I try to find out what I lеаrnеd from the event and thеn ѕау  to myself, "Game Over." Your past failures, darkness or traumatic events are replete with the Gold you require to build your future. That is the reason why in the beginning as religious texts have recorded, the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep Gen1:2 because the light was hidden in the darkness including everything that gave form to the beautiful earth we are enjoying today. Dear friends, thе past gаmе iѕ оvеr and you have the power not to participate in a game in history. Whenever you say the words GAME OVER”, your mind will know what to do with the past events illegally showing up and no longer serve a purpose now and it will detach your emotions from the past results but keep you happy to pursue your goals. 

Therefore, in the new year, keep focusing on the things, you desire and not the things you don’t want. Just imagine what do you do with the things you don't want? Throw them in the dustbin of the past and put up a big sticker "Game over" No more fishing from the past

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Crossing Over, See the Beauty of the New Year and not eat of it!!!

“Why are we sitting here complaining, broke, hungry, and afraid yet prayerful until we die?” ~ The Four leprous men (2Kings 7:3) paraphrased

Today I add another year to my age. However, this is also the day that the entire world celebrates as a hallmark of the new things expected to happen in the unfolding season. The religionists also come alive with themes to denote the entry into a new year. We hear themes like “Crossing over with Power” “Night of Destiny” “My year of prosperity” etc. Some circles even go into fasting prior to the New Year’s Day. Is there anything wrong with doing all these? I don’t think so, its part of the choices that we make being men and women of free will. However, people have been doing these things from time immemorial and the majority are still wallowing in poverty and lack. It’s seems the New Year has always been like any other year looking at the monotony of events that results in no change. Critical life’s decisions must be made every day of one’s life and not wait for the New Year. Wealthy people are not made on New Year’s Day but are made in the everyday decisions that people make. Wealth is hidden in ideas and not in events. Everything we see such as infrastructure, products, works of Arts are all people’s ideas, which are exchanged for cash that goes into the idealist’s bank accounts. Anyone can proclaim and declare all they want but proclamations and declarations devoid of underlying million dollar ideas are just as empty as an empty tin. Ideas come only to those who think. That is the reason why the so-called “believers” are broke and eat each other’s children (2Kinga 7J) while the “Chinese” are counting cash and smiling all the way to the bank. The believers are praying and fasting but the revelation of million-dollar ideas are being revealed to the so-called “Out Casts” just to borrow unfounded descriptions used by Christian to describe non-Christians which in essence is being so narrow-minded. Just to refresh Christians' minds, was Steve Jobs a Christian or is Dangote a Bishop? If you can find the reasons why these people are wealthy and innovators, you would have discovered the secrets of being a Multi-Billionaire.

I submit to you today that as you enter into the New Year, think of the year like the man or the woman of year dreams. Describe the beauty you hope to see and experience. Put detail and color to what you hope to achieve, the people you wish to meet and connect, the new skills you want to explore. Explore your deep Imaginations of the things you have never done but you hope the magnificence of the New Year would help you explore. Describe and document what you hope to do every day, week and months because it’s only what is planned that usually gets done. Don't let your imagination down because it is the only place where you can fashion your destiny or you can forge the weapons to destroy your own life. Develop the habit of reading books on personal development to help you build skills including mental readiness for an expanded life. This will help you to get ready for big opportunities that you have built the capacity to manage.

If you want the New Year to be your best year, color the year with your best idea and be determined to execute no matter how crazy the idea sounds. If you have problems in getting ideas, just look around you and the communities you live in and find problems that need solutions. The problems you are seeing hold new million dollar ideas for you.  Remember, if anybody laughs at your dream, just know that you are on to something. Just talking about an idea does not make the idea work but document the idea and be willing to die for it in the New Year.

Happy and Blessed New Year to you all

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