Sunday, April 19, 2020

The Fall from VIP (Very Important People) to VHI (Very High-Risk People)

“There is no royal road to anything. One thing at a time, all things in succession. That which grows fast, withers as rapidly. That which grows slowly, endures.”~ Josiah Gilbert Holland

Hellen Keller, a poet and author once said, “The world is not moved only by the mighty shoves of the heroes, but also by the aggregate of the tiny pushes of each honest worker.” Yesterday it was fashionable to live in the big cosmopolitan cities of the world, travel across international lines by air and feel so important. People lived with the thought that living in affluent cities turned them into heroes who could overcome anything. The people living in small towns and villages were considered to be living in the diaspora of poverty, struggle, and weakness.

When news of city folks’ escapades in cities like Rome, New York, Paris, etc. even my own city Lusaka, it was always a Wow, factor to those in the imagined internal underprivileged Diasporas. In my country, because you live in the capital city and you happen to visit family and friends in smaller towns and villages, you are treated with VIP (Very Important Person) status. How lovely it feels to be bestowed with such unsolicited honor.

However, in recent times, how the tables seem to have turned by one little, tiny and invisible creature called CORVID 19 teaching us a big unsolicited lesson that all we thought we were was just an illusion. CORVID19 has just transformed people living in big cities with the perceived affluent lives, from being VIP (Very Important People) to VHI (Very High-Risk People). Living in the epicenter of the CORVID19 outbreak just canceled every human formula that categorizes populations into classes and renamed all with one title, which is not even pleasant. I hope we don't get to the point where city folks are barred from visiting villages or get chased from the villages because of suspicion of being CORVID 19 carriers. That will be tragic 

What is the lesson? Whatever you think you are is not important, but how you treat others. It's not how you met someone but how you leave them that is paramount. People will not remember what you gave them or not but how you made them feel in your presence. We are all humans with the same body biology, which entails that we will all decay the same way. You may be living in a big city, don’t insult those living in the remote village because as CORVID 19 has taught us, the village may just be the safest place while your big city might just be one big hospital requiring you to wash your hands every hour and wearing a face mask.

Life is fragile let us be one another’s keeper and continue helping each other at all times. Above all whether you live in a big city and have everything expensive to your name, you are just human and let being human be your value to others

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