Monday, October 27, 2014


"It's not what you are that holds you back; it’s what you think you're not."

Take a look at the following very famous people which includes Thomas Edison, Cher, Walt Disney, Richard Branson, Jay Leno, Whoopi Goldberg, Ted Turner, and Winston Churchill.

Then ask yourself what the common feature about these powerful people is? As you can guess, they are all dyslexic! In other words, they all suffered from Dyslexia or developmental reading disorder which is a disability according to Wikipedia, characterized by difficulty with learning to read fluently and with accurate comprehension despite normal or above-average intelligence. This includes difficulty with phonological awareness, phonological decoding, processing speed, orthographic coding, auditory short-term memory, language skills/verbal comprehension, and/or rapid naming.

If you look back in time on the role that made each one of the famous, you realize that it also required a lot of reading and comprehension situations. Could you imagine how hard it is for a dyslexic person to read? Bearing in mind the effects that Dyslexia inflicts to the affected individual?

But not a single one of those great people that is cited let dyslexia keep them from being all they were created to be.

What do you think is stopping you from pursuing your dreams and becoming who you are destined to be? One of the things could be what others have said you cannot become and you have believed that report as truth for yourself. Secondly, Religion could also have played a major role as it is consistently letting you know that you have fallen short of something in order to grow to something, God knows what. Thirdly, your dominant company of friends who have formed a culture around you. if you are the only smart one amongst your friends, its time to change your company. If you are hanging around a barbershop, you are likely going to get a hair cut as the popular saying goes. You might have what you think are genuine reasons for your failures but you must know that you are still lying to yourself and you are just afraid.

Let me remind you that you only have one enemy and that is yourself. You have been standing in your own way for the better part of your life. Everything you have been seeing and experiencing in your environment has been a reflection of the self-fulfilling negative prophesies you have held in your mind about yourself without realizing it. You can never be any other person other than what you believe you are consciously or unconsciously.

Just imagine, God has provided raw materials all around you waiting for you to turn them into value. If you have not been able to see anything so far, it’s time to start asking the questions ‘ What opportunities are there for me to find’ and you will begin to see opportunities. The fact that you are reading this post right now means that you are alive and that is evidence enough that God has never left you; otherwise you would be dead. Take a conscious choice to believe in yourself and know that God has deposited greatness in you to achieve anything you desire. There is no question to which God has not provided an answer. Just ask the question

Strive to become the original that God has created you to be other than the photocopy of others you have spent your life trying to become all in vain. Remember that Obstacles are the stepping stones you need to get to your next level and in every challenge, you face there is an opportunity for your dreams. Every pressure you encounter is the propeller you need to push you further towards your dream.  Therefore, don’t waste time complaining because it’s not worth it and a waste of mental resources.

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