Wednesday, October 22, 2014


 ‘You will Never Discover Who You Really Are Until You Take a Journey Into Yourself’

The year 2015 is  already getting passed our eyes at a surprising speed like there is an invisible hand that has pushed the days to run on ‘fast forward play’ without exception. I do not know about you out there but there seem to be more questions in life than we seem to have answers for. For starters it seems as though life is not fair! Or is it really! I constantly meet and talk to many people who are going through life thinking about why they are not making it big or succeeding in Life like others. They believe all they see is failure and obstacles knocking on the doorsteps of their life every morning even when uninvited. They believe life has special classes of blessed or fortunate people and another class of cursed people. They have chosen to believe that everything will always go wrong and it will always happen to them and at the wrong time. Does this line sound familiar to anybody? I used to think like that and I reaped the benefits of such retrogressive thinking. One thing has become clear to me that the ‘As a man thinketh so is he’ adage is running people’s lives like a virus. No one can ever rise above their own thoughts. Our thoughts form who we are in life. Even the friends we are surrounded with think like we do. If you are hanging around 9 broke friends, you can be sure to become the tenth one “can two walk together, except they be agreed” Amos 3:3. Let’s try and help each other here and I would like anybody who is reading this to have an open mind on issues concerning life because if you don’t, you will miss the point. Some wise guy (Einstein Albert) once said ‘Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again hoping for a different results’. Look at your life and judge the results you are getting. If you like what you see then good for you, but if you think you deserve better, then you need a paradigm shift in life and take a re-look at your life with me. Imagine you were born wearing green sunglasses which would mean everything to you will appear green or greenish like. Even if you looked at a white paper you will still say its color is green because you are looking at it through your green sunglasses. Nobody will convince you that the paper is white no matter how elaborate they may be. However, if for some reason you managed to take off your green sunglasses, can you then realize that the paper was actually white in color truly. Are you with me so far? Good, it’s time to take off the glasses you have been using to look at life’s issues and make a quantum leap for the better. Let me address the question on the power of thought. Whatever you are or is going on in your life right now is as a result of the thoughts you have entertained so far. Whether it is lack of something, could be money, love or whatever it is you are going through, your dominant thoughts have been the culprit. Think of it, if you say I want money, the dormant thought underlying that question is that you don’t have money. Therefore, the underlying dominant thought would be projected in your reality, which is more of I don’t have money. Do you see how you invite funerals every week? When you ponder on thoughts of who is next to die in your family line based on observed happenings according to tradition? You may move from one relationship to another but all you end up with is a different face with the same characteristics of the previous relationship, does this sound familiar? That’s the power of the underlying thought. 

Well some of the things we go through in life may be as a result of what we have inherited from our ancestors through our genes and some from our environments through habits of surrounding cultures and societies. The truth of it is that we inherited these issues unconsciously and they have formed the basis of the default program running in our lives and the output of the program has been made manifest in your life’s reality, good or bad. Our hiding place is always taking on the blame game. Finding somebody to blame for our problems Why? Because it makes us feel good to find a scape goat for not achieving our dreams and justify our present circumstances. We have believed that we are going through life as victims of circumstances, when we are actually the cause of it. It’s time to realize that life should not just happen to us but we must cause life to happen the way we want it to go. It’s not about education or lack of it or our gender but the dreams you are made off. Remember, college dropouts have been the creators of the smartest software and hardware equipment in our modern world and not PHD or professors of this world. Henry Ford a man with three months of education started the Ford company, The Wright brothers who were bicycle repairers invented the airplanes. Do you see the picture I am talking about? Who has bewitched you?
Before I continue, let me back up a little and give you some insights into your reason for being created. For some of you who are familiar with the Christian Bible, you will find the following text:
Gen 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them
Gen 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
Bingo! The Bottom line is that you are blessed Male or Female. Remember God does not revoke his blessing! Unless someone has falsely told you that you don’t have it and only through them can you  have it; I am afraid you have been living a Big Lie
Every religious text from different religions echoes this truth that man was created to be abundant in every area of their life. I do not see anywhere in the Bible were man is cursed by God and man all of a sudden became less of what God created. Before you scream at me, please go back and re-read the Bible with an open mind and find out the truth on your own. May be someone is saying what about the serpent episode with Grand Ma Eve in season 2 of the creation movie. Well read the text again, it’s the ground not the man or woman that was cursed. Therefore, if you have been moving through life with this lie in your back pocket believing that you were cursed with Grand Ma Eve alongside Grand Pa Adam and that is the reason why things are going not so well in your life, you must be running somebody else’s virus program and until you uninstall that program, your reality will not change.

Let me demonstrate with an example about you!

Look at yourself, your body and everything about it. You are moving in life without a power source. Not even a battery is necessary for you to recharge so as to continue going on with your daily life. Your heart is pumping without you thinking about it. You are not even aware how the digestive, nervous or reproductive systems continue to keep you alive. You are only made aware of things when the waste materials need to be expelled out of your body that’s when you become a participant. You are truly a self-contained highest form of being the almighty has created on this planet. Look at breast feeding mothers; they are able to produce a three course meal for the infant through breast milk without the assistance of the big names in food manufacturing technology. By the way, I work in the Blood Transfusion setup and I have come to learn that only human beings are capable of producing or manufacturing blood. The most sophisticated biochemical plants in the advanced world do not even come close in sophistication as the human body. Just imagine, the things you eat? grass, soil etc. the body is able to extract whatever is required to produce blood components. What an amazing creation we are! Am I making sense here? You are so powerful and you don’t even realize it

Let me put it this way, you deserve better than you are getting out of life right now. You are more than what the opinions of others have described you. You are God material and essence. You are the sole God’s Agent of creation and development. God never created a table but created trees, He never created Cars but created minerals and so forth. God created the raw materials for further processing into the goodies we are enjoying today. Why? Because God already put the creative faculties (or call it creation object oriented software program) in the human being to process the raw material into the finished products of their choice. Tell me, are you living your true identity or you are living on a forged passport of a loser forced on you. The issue is that you have been living from without and not from within. God encoded his best creative Operating System Software program in you to be abundant and live life to the full as the default program but someone has changed the default settings in your life and you are moving around believing you are a big loser. Why? Because you think you are a body with an inadequate spirit, when you are actually God’s sprit with a body. That is the reason why your body keeps regenerating itself in order to sustain the nature of the spiritual abode, your body. Every cell of your body needs to be replaced from time to time and other biological systems. The immune system needs to produce the defense mechanism to keep the body alive for as long as it takes. Are you with me so far?

What is the problem? The simple answer is thought. Thought is the source of all creation, good or bad and you are right now in the business of creating the reality of your life consciously or unconsciously through the default program running your life. Until the dominant thought is changed nothing will change. 

Let me give you an example for those who use Windows computers. If your computer system has not been installed with a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel you will not run spreadsheets on that computer. You can cry, shout, pray and even fast for 100 days; you will not run a full spreadsheet model on your computer. In other words the spreadsheet program is not part of the underlying thought or behavior or program of your computer. Until you install the spreadsheet program don’t expect spreadsheets to run. Of course you may have some reader to display an existing set of data but you cannot do anything further than reading the data. It’s time to change the source codes of our soul and thought. It is the best place to start with.

Our thoughts form our habits and with repeated thought pattern, our habits become our lifestyle which can be observed as behavior and we begin to live our habits without evening thinking about the fact that we are performing our habits. You are saying how? Simple, every morning you wake up, bath and put on your clothes, some of you go to school or work and you don’t even think about it every day and it has become you daily routine. You may think about the type of dress you want to wear but you certainly don’t think about how to push your body into your clothes because that has become part of your nature. Thought and behavior become contagious. Have you met someone who is always complaining about anything? The chances are that if you stay in the company of such a complainant for tool long you will also find something to complain about wherever you will go after that so called complaint impartation session. If you meet someone and for no reason they are complaining about something or someone, just guess whom they have been having breakfast with. That is how groups of people transfer their hatred of certain groups considered enemies to their children and through generations. Just try to ask certain people that you suspect hate certain groups or clans, they will tell you so many things that simply translate to ‘I don’t know I just found it that way’. While we may not be responsible for what has caused us to be so far, we can take responsibility to taking action to change our destiny by making necessary changes today 

Religious doctrine, family and tradition have been our major source of thought and behaviors. These social structures have formed our perception of reality and destiny. To just give you a clue, tradition for a long time has raised the girl child for marriage as the primary objective. This has robbed the girl child of creativity and you can imagine the amount of resources the world has lost through such dashed dreams shoved down the girl child’s destiny. Religion has strived prominently in taking man nearer to God and in the process has forgotten to provide man with the tools he needs in this life of raw materials. Christian have replaced work with prayer. Don’t get me wrong! I am not saying prayer has no place. All I am saying man needs to do something in order to earn a living. There is no magic. You need a Million Kwachas, be creative and begin to provide value that the world will be willing to pay for. It would be a waste to go and spend 40 days fasting for a million bucks when you have nothing to offer. Here is my advice, back up your dream with some action

Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits they become character;
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

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