Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The greatest Prayer of all Times


Psalm 34:1 "I will bless the Lord at ALL times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth."

Do you sometimes feel like you really do not know what to say to God about what is happening in your life? Do you sometimes feel like success is an illusion that is a preserve for certain classes of people? Does it cross your mind that may be the reason why poverty and struggle haunt you and your family day and night without invitation like you have a 'Patent' to ‘constant struggle’ is because of where you came from or curses etc.? Be encourage today. It is not about what is happening to you but what is happening inside you as you go through whatever it is you are facing. In essence, it is your reaction to the situation that matters. When life seem to be too heavy to bear and everything around you is breaking down and you are pushed to a place where you feel you are all alone, Remember you are never alone, ‘NEVER’. In the darkest moments of your life, there is only one powerful life changing prayer you can pray and that is ‘THANK YOU LORD’
When you say this prayer...

Thank you Lord... (It doesn't matter what I'm going through right now because I know you're a faithful God and you will deliver me)

Thank you Lord... (I put my complete trust in you. You are my shepherd. I shall not lack)

Thank you Lord... (Thank you for loving me)

Thank you Lord... (No weapon formed against me shall prosper)

Thank you Lord... (I rest in you. Thank you for fighting my battles and letting me claim the victory)

Therefore, do not waste your time and energy looking for who to blame for whatever is happening to you, just deal with it with the greatest weapon of all times ‘GRATITUDE TO GOD’ and He goes into action on your behalf

‘You are blessed whether you know it or not’

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