Friday, October 30, 2015

The value of MisFortune

Opportunity often comes disguised in the form of misfortune, or temporary defeat.
- Napoleon Hill – 1883-1970, Author of Think and Grow Rich

How I wonder what most of us become in the face of misfortunes and trouble. I know we cry, we complain and sometimes we blame. All in the hope of getting just a little comfort. We talk to everybody who has ears about what we are going through hoping they will give us some way out. Know one thing that nobody cares what you are going through and the majority are glad its you going through it. Therefore, stop talking about it. Did you know that most of the biggest life's blessings or break-throughs that have landed in your laps have been hidden in the most traumatic events you may have endured. May be a long tiresome walk, searching for something to get you somewhere. The abuse that forced you to leave a certain home to go and get refuge somewhere you thought you could get as far away as possible? 

Think about it, someone reading right now may have found the love of their life, dream job, only after they thought they where fleeing from trouble or abuse without knowing that the perceived trouble was sending them right into their blessing. King Soul in the Bible book of 1Samuel went looking for his father's lost goat but ended up coming back owner of Kingdom. Thank God for the lost goat.

I would like to encourage right now, Thank God for the trouble you are going through, embrace the moment and declare the best is just about to happen to me. Say something good about your destiny because a closed mouth is a closed destiny. You are not meant to lose in this game of life. You will always get to the destiny that you choose. Its only a question of which one you choose. You are crying because you don not have a job when you are supposed to be an employer. Open your eyes for God's sake

The trouble you are going through right now are ready to take you to another level. Therefore, thank God

Have a great week end


Thursday, October 22, 2015

When Others See MOUNTAINS, I see STEPS

"The one who says it's impossible should not interrupt the one doing it" ~ Chinese proverb

There is a great man or woman hiding inside each one of us. the one whose potential no man has conceived nor has it entered into anyone's mind to understand the magnitude of what you can bring to the party in the arena called life.   Whether you can sing, dance, write or be a great businessman, you are born with something great inside of you just waiting to happen if you let it. It is up to you to recognize it and give it your best shot! That is called finding and living your true purpose in life. Everything you are made off, is God's capital in your hands, even your very eyes, voice, legs or hands can make you the richest person on the planet. who knows?

The decision to change your life lies in your hand. All you have to do is tell yourself that you can and cast away all your fears once and for all! Don't waste your time thinking "what if?" and if anything what if you make it. See the value of how far you can go if you choose to say to yourself everyday these words "I can make it", "I deserve to be prosperous", "I can learn to do things better"

Plunge right in and take on every challenge that comes your way. If you are able to do this, there will be no place for worry, fear or self-doubt in your life. You will be a confident person who will be prepared to take on life head on! And moving forward without fear is the only route that will lead to success, no matter what your endeavour is.

The feeling of letting fear go is really liberating! When you let go of your fears because of certain choices that you make in life, you will be a happier and more confident person. The feeling of letting fear go is really liberating!

In fact when you let go of your fears and decide to take action, the universe starts conspiring for you and will make things fall in place. It's not always going to be easy, but it is definitely going to be worth it. So let go of the fears that are limiting you and move ahead with all your might!

Don't wait for others to begin what you will do for yourself. Muster up the courage and be the master
of your own decisions. It is time to live life for yourself, in all your glory!

Believe that you are born for greater things and liberate yourself from a life of ignominy. When you live your dreams, you will realize the true potential of life. The superb opportunities that life has to offer will open up in front of you.

There is no promise of it being easy; but when you choose to follow your dreams, every step you take
for yourself in the right direction will be worth it! So liberate yourself from all your fears and charge ahead!

No mountain is too high for you to climb and No river is too deep for you to swim. God has not brought you this far just in order for you to drown. No! but to Excel

Friday, October 16, 2015

Redefining MAN the 'Universal Computer' Part 3

"It is the mind that makes one wise or ignorant, bound or emancipated"~Sri Ramakrishna

Identifying the Source Programming
Before we dwell further into the world of computers, I would wish to bring to your attention issues surrounding the value of any product. The value and excellence of any product lies in the intention and integrity of its manufacturer. Most computer users decide to purchase Microsoft or Apple products because their trust the capability of these companies for whatever reasons. They know that the products will produce the intended results when put to use. This then follows that the quality of any product is determined by its manufacturer.

Therefore, to understand the power, potential and quality of a human being as a product we must learn the power of a human being’s source, God. From the Christian Bible perspective, God is the creator of all things, He created the entire universe from nothing. He calls what is not like it is. The Bible actually says He has put in every seed the power to produce after its own kind. In essence, God was the seed that gave birth to the entire universe. Therefore, everything including a human being is a seed waiting to blossom into something. One thing is prominent with every manufacturer, they always have the picture of the finished product before it is put into production. The entire spectrum of the specifications and capabilities of the product are designed and known even before the production begins.

Genesis 1:26 says “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth” it follows then that human beings were creators or Gods, dominators and leaders even before you and I were born into this life. Therefore, when you and I were given forth as a sperm seed in our mothers’ wombs, the image of greatness was already wired in the seed. it doesn’t matter what you think you are right now or what people have said you are. If you are not living according to the specification of the product called man highlighted in the genesis, you are living on a false identity and I call forth the angels of God to arrest you and take you back to the place (knowledge of God) so that you get your true identity.

To see clearly the process of a seed let us liken exactly to the process that takes place in a plant seed (let’s take a maize seed as an example). The seed is planted into the soil and remain covered under the darkness of the soil. The seed being fixed in the darkness of the soil, it proceeds to express or out-picture the exact picture held within its life cell (fully grown maize plant) and, in obedience to law, it sends up a shoot seeking the light. At the same time, it sends down roots seeking nourishment. If, on the way up, that shoot encounters obstacles in any form, it does not attempt to force them out of its way. It travels around them. If the roots fail to find the required nourishment, it withers away. If all goes well, it blossoms forth and, having reached its goal such as a full grown maize plant, a seed is again dropped and the process repeated. Bear in mind that the actual process takes place in darkness, beneath the surface. So it is with us humans. That is where all great and important ideas are developed. When you plant a maize seed, you have no doubt in your mind that a maize plant will grow out of it. You are not going to start to wonder how the thing will work, or if it really is working? Not at all. You set the objective. You therefore planted the seed. You would not dig up a seed in your garden to see if it were sprouting. You planted and watered it and are satisfied that, according to the law of its being, it will come forth.

Likewise, you are an exact replica of God, what God is, you are and He dwells in you. In every seed the image of the plant is firmly embedded in its mind. In every seed there is a mind where a final picture of the product is held constant such that the plant will grow according to the picture. You cannot have a mango tree from a tomato seed.

You are a seed on earth. The fact that you have not started living the life of true dominion and abundance does not mean that it is not already in you. Take it this way, you may be starving in the midst of abundance, thirsty in the middle of fresh water. Whatever you have been looking for is already in you. All the children you are looking for are already in you whether you are male or female. Jesus Christ actually said the Kingdom of God is in you. All the answers, wealth and abundance are trapped inside you and they are crying to get out. Nothing upon earth can prevent your objective from becoming externalized, because nothing in the world can nullify Universal Law of God upon your life. You plant the seed idea. You hold it there. You nourish it with empowering thought and faith. You have done your part. Trust the God to do His part

The first thing you need to know and hold in your spirit is that you are the Universal computer with the power to do exceedingly abundantly above all that you can think or imagine. Nothing happens to you without your acknowledgement. Whatever is happening right now you have the power to change it if you choose to. Therefore, the source programming of the universal computer (human being) is the almighty God

End of part 3.....

In Their eyes We Looked like Grasshoppers

  WE are so Great as Africans no wonder someone has spent all their energies to convince us that we are nothing. Unfortunately, we have beli...