Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Redefining MAN the 'Universal Computer' (Part 1)

You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win and expect to win ~ Zig Ziglar

Your mind, which is in you, can be likened to a house which the accumulation of years has cluttered with thousands of unnecessary pieces of furniture, pictures, ornaments and other things, all strewn around and heaped everywhere, with the result that while the outside of that house might present a good appearance, the inside is a mass of confusion and disorder. How utterly impossible to accomplish anything under such conditions, for you cannot go after one thing without stumbling over another. No order. No purpose. No progress. The first necessary move, then, is to rid that house of all but the furnishings essential to success. Your mind need new furnishing essential for your success.

The greatest battles we fight everyday are not against those we perceive as our enemies (or Satan if like) nor the fight for financial or material survival, it is the battle with our own minds. Everything we think, do, feel and plan to accomplish is dictated by our state of mind. Little things or big things at most seem to spoil our day, or do they? What I have learn't in life so far is that the mind is like software (Instructions that tell the computer what to do) our bodies are the hardware (the physical devices that are tangible). The Soul is the Operating System of the entire human being (an Operating system OS such as Windows is the software system the manages both the hardware and the installed computers programs, it keeps them running. Without the OS a computer cannot be functional) Just like without the Soul a human being dies. It’s only at the time of death that we realize who in the Soul - human being paradigm is running the show. We come to learn the hard truth that it is not our minds, oxygen or brain that has the final say but the Soul. When the Soul decides to depart, no amount of oxygen can keep a human alive. That is the reason why when you learn how to do things like speak, write or walk, you don’t have to think about how to move your legs in a systematic manner because the function once learn't is taken over by the Soul which is the Operating system of life in humans. The Soul runs the entire biological system of man without man worrying about the heartbeats, nervous or circulatory systems. Your body systems fight off infections while you are asleep

The brain is the processor. The conscious is the temporal memory, our body cells in totality represent the permanent memory storage area. The brain is not our permanent memory area, it’s just a processing unit. It only retrieves data from the memory area and process the information for our conscious realization at any given time. Our input devices are the eyes, ears and the mouth. Our Mouse is our focus. What you focus on is what you click on at that moment. Therefore, at any given moment, your body or being reacts to what your mind is focused on. The mind which is the software act on what we hear, think, say, test or see and conveys the signals as sets of instructions to the brain for processing. You do no fear because you have to, No, it’s because you have either seen something frightful or remembered something that gives you the chill or somebody has scared the daylight out of you. Is that true? Where is all this taking place? Of course the mind. The mind receives the information either through the sight, hearing or thought it passes this information through to the brain (which is the processor). The brain conducts a logic test and compares the scenario to anything similar (in the memory bank) you may have experienced before and the results, if at all you had experienced such scenario before and you reacted fearfully, that result was recorded (I mean every inch of it in feeling, physical reaction or even blood pressure spikes variations). The brain will reproduce that result and bingo! You are bound to re-enact the previous response to the current circumstances. 

Some research has revealed that every baby is born with two fears, the fear of Loud Noise and the fear of Falling. Every other fear is learn't. Put it simply, the fear of failure, fear of success and fear of risk taking you have just learn't and recorded them in your being as programs running your life. The tragedy is that your mind will always endeavor to protect you from ever trying to take new initiatives to success such that it will not allow you to try to do something that violates these fears. That is the reason you always feel as though your blood pressure is rising when you are forced to attempt something new like doing business. Does that mean you should not feel any fear in your life for you to be courageous? No, Courage is the ability to feel fear, but act anyway (Dr. Robert Anthony). The Good news is that you can reprogram your mind for better things in life if you choose to.
End of Part 1…

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