Thursday, October 15, 2015

Redefining MAN the 'Universal Computer' (Part 2)

Life has no limitations, except the ones you make ~ Less Brown

In computing, a set of instructions and the results it produces when they are recorded, becomes a program. Therefore, your brain has been recording your life as a set of programs that are running your life. You may or may not be aware of it but that’s the truth about each one’s life. It has recorded such aspects of our lives like each one’s financial paradigm. For example if most of your life you have lived a life of ‘just enough to get through the day’ (let’s put as you handling $1000 in Month) this has been recorded as a default financial program of dealing with money. Therefore, if by some miracle you received $50,000 by some Good Samaritan or probably it’s your financial pension money, the brain and the mind will try to evaluate the new circumstances and discover no any prior scenario where this person has ever handled such huge amounts. The mind is stretched beyond its current programming and cannot take it further than what is considered normal for the person. The person will experience both excitement, anxiety and fear as the current budget is beyond is mental capacity. Therefore, the mind will do what it is supposed to and that is to protect the person from this sudden seeming success and switch to the default financial program which says ‘just enough for the day’ but the person has sudden 'more than enough for the day'. Therefore, the spending subprogram will be triggered to action and you the person is forced to move into a spending spree of  anything they can lay their hands on until they have spent all the excess money. You may have noticed that when certain people have suddenly more money which is not their usual status, they just can't hold it together. They will buy an expensive car which they cant maintain in the long run, they will go for all the ladies they consider sophisticated. they will be found everywhere they believe they will be noticed. Just to side track a little in my country, if you find yourself at any Automated Teller Machines (ATM) and you are trying to withdraw money, you will always notice who is withdrawing a large chunk of cash and who is not. The one withdrawing a lot of cash will at the most try to clear the view so that the rest can see the level of cash coming out of the wall and that he or she is the big shot ( For your safety don't do that just act normal). Back to the topic the mind is trying to bring the person down to normal by ensuring all the excess cash goes out of their hands. Investing any part of the sudden wealth will be the least on their agenda. Can we blame them? No! You can't blame a computer that has no spreadsheet program for not running spreadsheet. All you need is just to install the relevant program and it will run without problems.

The point of life is, if you want your computer say to run spreadsheets, or you need is to install the Spreadsheet program and you ready to roll. However, if your computer cannot handle a new program, probably you need to upgrade or update the system. In the modern day, all you need to do is hook your computer to the Internet and connect to the manufacturer. New drivers, software and other tools will be installed straight from the manufacturer. If the computer has been badly corrupted by viruses, you may need to format the system and install new programs

Your mind needs an update or upgrade nearly every day. Poverty mindset is like a virus that corrupts the human being. It has offshoots of destructive tools (worms and Trojans) such as laziness, conformity, luck of focus, negative language, religion (religion is the ability of man trying to define God in man’s image, you can’t define God in the image of poverty mindset) and all other devices that man has used to keep the truth from the majority. The bible says my people are dying because of lack of knowledge Hosea 4:6 it’s not because people do not have faith! People have faith but have no knowledge. Creation is an exact science, if you violate any of its laws, you reap the consequences. You don’t succeed just because success is sitting on a table and you can pick it up and everything changes overnight, No! You have been creating your life through your thinking and the computer you are has been acting on those instructions. The results is what you see in your environment every day. Life flows from intention. Your intentions determine your fruits of the day. You can choose to be happy and your day will be full of happiness. That’s how you as the universal computer operates. You control the environment. Every thought you harbor is a seed ready to blossom into something. The seeds we sew in our thoughts will always produce fruits in season and the miracle is that we carry the weather within us. Therefore, we control the seasons. You can be successful anytime. It’s not your present environment, education, your place of birth or how you look that determines what you are capable of achieving, it’s what you think you are that has a final say. the intention of this discuss is to draw your attention to the fantastic creation machine you are so that you can begin to take steps to put it to good use.   

People need to begin to learn the laws of the universe such as the law of creation, the law of success, the law of money. When you learn the law of success you will begin to learn that the people succeeding are simply putting the law of money into play and acting accordingly and are not Satanists as you claim.

Human beings are Bio-Chemical universal computers that have been created in the image of God with the ability to fulfill universal laws governing creation. Look around you and see what has come out of the ideas of man. Whatever you see is just a fraction of what you, I mean you the one reading is capable doing.   

End of part 2 ...

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