Wednesday, January 18, 2017

What You Focus On

You can get excited about the future. The past won’t mind.
~Hillary DePiano
What is is happening around you right now is a the result of what you have focused your mind on. Imagine you are going down a path and suddenly as you are about to pass under a big tree, you realize the tree is about to fall on you. At that moment, you can either focus on the tree as it falls on you or you can decide to move out of alms way and not get hit.
Many times that is what we do. We focus on the problem and feed it with more of how bad it makes as feel instead of looking at opportunities that are staring at you. When you go through trouble and you realise that you are complaining about the problem, just know that you are focused on the problem and the tragedy is that you are doing nothing about your situation. People think that complaining about something is doing something about it. When you complain, you waste precious time and energy that you could otherwise use to think of ways to get out of the problem. God created man complete with solutions encoded inside the man. The answers you are looking for are simply locked inside you. If you don't believe this, think of it like this, the children you have or you intend to have will not come from anywhere else but from inside you.
Look at nature, the rain you see first come from the earth as vapour and return back to earth as rain. If the earth does not give up vapour, then it should forget about receiving the rain. Therefore, that is the importance of conserving our environment. Get the picture?
Whatever you are looking for is right with you and you are just not aware of it. Put simply, you have been moving around with solutions and crying the loudest. It is time for you to realise this truth and focus on the greater that has been lying dormant within you. How come when people want to have children, they know what to do but stops short when it comes to creating value for changing their lives. If you are able to give birth to children, then you have the potential to give birth to anything
The Christian Bible records an incident at the Pool of Bethesda where Jesus found an impotent man and asked him if he wanted to be healed. The man had been sitting near the pool of solutions but according to him, he had no one to help him into the pool. It was evident from the impotent man's response to Jesus that not receiving help from others was where his focus was. The amazing side of this story is that even when Jesus points to the solution, it was inside the man. He simply tells the man to stand up and go. Here is the paradox, who did Jesus talk to that made the man all of a sudden to jump up and go his way? My guess is that Jesus realised that talking to the complaining guy (conscious man) who was gravely afraid even to try to stand up and through himself in the pool of solution was not helping, so Jesus turned and talked to the one inside the man. The man was sitting for 38 years with his solution with him.
Before you even waste much of your time, I say to the greater in you, stand up from that mat of worry and do something (business, look for a job, apply if you have to) in Jesus name and stop wasting prayers for things that you can do for yourself. Remember God did not create mountains for Him to come and climb them for you. Just Climb them and feel good doing it.
We all know that we are going through some problems but when it comes to the solution we turn our focus on crying about the problem hoping it will simply disappear. We have been doing this for a long time and we are so remote to the fact that it has not been working. Remember, Einstein said doing the same thing the same way and expecting a different result is called insanity. Lets get sane and begin to focus on finding solutions. Solutions come to those who think. Do not replace thinking with prayer, it is called laziness


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