Sunday, December 26, 2021

A Thought For the New Year: Go After Your Dream

 "Kansendeleko Yatanine Inkoko Amebele"~African proverb

Translated as “The ‘go and get it for me’ mentality is the reason why the Chicken does not have breasts" 

This proverb is derived from a satirical depiction story explaining why the chicken does not have breasts. It is a story set at creation time when the creator was dishing out breasts to his creatures among which the chicken was supposed to be a beneficiary. However, when the call was made to the chicken, the chicken decided to solicit help from the dog and requested the dog to collect some breasts on its behalf. However, when the dog went to pick its own breasts and the chicken’s, the dog became greedy and decided to keep all the breasts for itself including the ones collected for the chicken. Therefore, as the chicken waiting and ready to receive its share of the breasts, it discovered the dog had plugged all the breast batched on its own chest, Wow! That day the chicken ended up with nothing and is now seen scratching the ground in anger and frustration of the treasonable betrayal by the evil dog. Ever seen a guy who sees a girl of their dreams and are too afraid to approach her for a date and decides to send another dude to talk on his behalf to the girl! You know how such stories end, the messenger always ends up with the girl while the guy who sent the emissary ends up with nothing, frustration, and dancing all alone at the party.  

Stretching the satire further hoping to end the year with laughter, maybe that’s why men do not have breasts because they must have sent the women to collect on their behalf and the women collected the full package and the men ended up with what was left over, the Nipples, which are stuck on their chests and probably that’s why the men have been lifting weights to try getting a look-alike chest projection if you know what I mean (just joking satirically aloud).

The moral of the proverb is that in the New Year whatever you desire in life, go after it yourself and don’t send anyone else after your dream because you are the one who has conceived it, you are the only one whom God has given the capacity to bring the dream to life. Sorry, don’t even ask the so-called men of God or prophets to tell you what you can or cannot do. Talking about anything is not equivalent to doing something about it. Quit talking and start acting in the New Year. That is the reason you are equipped with eyes, hands, legs, and the super brain. The ‘this is my year’ talk does not put food on the table. Don’t be hypnotized by the New Year crossover events, you are always crossing over every single day you wake up. The illusion of believing the New Year crossover events where you believe someone will place their hands on your head and things will magically change for the better needs rethinking. If you don’t think, you don’t plan, and don’t act, attending any religious event is a waste of time.

By the way, stop the self-sabotaging mentality of the so-called ‘waiting on God', finding God, and going to the mountain to go on a fast for wealth. Haven’t you thought for once that God is also waiting on you to act because you are the one with the body or device through which his glory can be manifested? God cannot create the mountains and you still expect Him to come and climb it for you! No! In any case, why look for something, you are already carrying. Jesus Christ actually said, the Kingdom of God is within you and he did not put any condition to possessing it. We were all born with it just like we were born with the ability to talk at birth and a mango tree is already in the Mango seed. Therefore, if you have been on the Journey to look for something you already possess, good luck on the journey to look for something you will never find by looking elsewhere than within you

Am sure all of us know that Internet can only be accessed through the device (computer, phone, etc.) by activating the Wifi or data access network, so is how to access God. God can be accessed through your INNER-NET. I hope you get the picture

Saturday, December 4, 2021

You Can't OutRun Your Destiny: But You Need Software Upgrade for your Life

 "No matter how the buttocks hurry, they will always remain behind" ~African Proverb

The Literal meaning of the African proverb is that you can never outrun your destiny. There is no magic in achieving your dreams but by careful planning and execution of those plans which also includes building a wealthy mindset despite your current circumstances. If you ever want to get even wealthier in life, make sure you build your career around your gift. Get examples of good footballers and popular musicians, and you will get what I am talking about. Anything else you are doing away from your gift, you may simply be making a living.

Wealth can never come by Fasting either. We can draw lessons from the Biblical story of Moses in the book of Exodus when he came face to face with the Red Sea and he needed to cross it with the former slaves called Israelites. He tried to pray but God asked him what he had in his hand because prayer was not the tool he needed but what he had in his hand. As the story goes, he hit the stuff that he held on the Red Sea and the sea parted to pave way for the people to crossover.

Everyone was born with a gift that can never be measured in value and it holds the key to making life to open your path to your destiny. What holds us back is that we are trying to compare ourselves to other people's achievements and the path they might have used and we always end up short and frustrated

The question is what do you have in your hands (your God-given gift) The thing you feel so happy, passionate, and effortless to do. Are you a singer, an athlete, a cook, an artist, a writer name it, that is the valuable divine stuff you have been holding in your hands which is the key to parting the Red Sea of life to get into your desired destiny. Can you just imagine how an illiterate or not so educated individual who has harnessed his or her footballing gift and ends up earning $100,000 to $500,000 a week! that's the value even more of gifts that each one of us is still holding in our hands knowingly or unknowingly

As you prepare to crossover into the new year, ask yourself the question, What do I have in my hands that is bigger than the problems coming ahead meant to lift me to the higher version of myself. That's what problems are designed to do in our lives. They are literally continuous software upgrades for our lives. Nobody gets any wiser without encountering problemsTherefore, embrace problems and don't resist them.

In Their eyes We Looked like Grasshoppers

  WE are so Great as Africans no wonder someone has spent all their energies to convince us that we are nothing. Unfortunately, we have beli...