Saturday, December 4, 2021

You Can't OutRun Your Destiny: But You Need Software Upgrade for your Life

 "No matter how the buttocks hurry, they will always remain behind" ~African Proverb

The Literal meaning of the African proverb is that you can never outrun your destiny. There is no magic in achieving your dreams but by careful planning and execution of those plans which also includes building a wealthy mindset despite your current circumstances. If you ever want to get even wealthier in life, make sure you build your career around your gift. Get examples of good footballers and popular musicians, and you will get what I am talking about. Anything else you are doing away from your gift, you may simply be making a living.

Wealth can never come by Fasting either. We can draw lessons from the Biblical story of Moses in the book of Exodus when he came face to face with the Red Sea and he needed to cross it with the former slaves called Israelites. He tried to pray but God asked him what he had in his hand because prayer was not the tool he needed but what he had in his hand. As the story goes, he hit the stuff that he held on the Red Sea and the sea parted to pave way for the people to crossover.

Everyone was born with a gift that can never be measured in value and it holds the key to making life to open your path to your destiny. What holds us back is that we are trying to compare ourselves to other people's achievements and the path they might have used and we always end up short and frustrated

The question is what do you have in your hands (your God-given gift) The thing you feel so happy, passionate, and effortless to do. Are you a singer, an athlete, a cook, an artist, a writer name it, that is the valuable divine stuff you have been holding in your hands which is the key to parting the Red Sea of life to get into your desired destiny. Can you just imagine how an illiterate or not so educated individual who has harnessed his or her footballing gift and ends up earning $100,000 to $500,000 a week! that's the value even more of gifts that each one of us is still holding in our hands knowingly or unknowingly

As you prepare to crossover into the new year, ask yourself the question, What do I have in my hands that is bigger than the problems coming ahead meant to lift me to the higher version of myself. That's what problems are designed to do in our lives. They are literally continuous software upgrades for our lives. Nobody gets any wiser without encountering problemsTherefore, embrace problems and don't resist them.

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