Wednesday, September 30, 2015


You control your future, your destiny.  What you think about comes about.  By recording your dreams and goals on paper, you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want to be.  Put your future in good hands - your own.
~Mark Victor Hansen

Are you aware that the word Job is an acronym for “Just Over broke”? And rightfully the meaning does make sense. Having a job (employee) lets you to earn just enough to meet your daily expenses.  Although your income is guaranteed, it is also limited. Employers just pays enough so that employees don’t quit. Consequently, employees work hard enough just so they don’t get fired 

If you are an employee, the creative side of you is not put to full capacity. You may be making somebody rich but definitely, that somebody is not YOU

You are a creator, an inventor and you are the greatest that God meant you to be even though you don’t think of yourself as such. You are meant to create value in this life. You are the solution to other people’s problems and because you have not realized it thus far, the people with problems are stuck. Do you want wealth? Let me show you the place. You wealth is hidden in other people’s problems.
A guy wakes up and sees that people have been walking for long distances. This guy does not want to sympathize or complain with them, therefore, he thinks hard for a solution and creates the automobile car. Another guys finds that people are quarreling in public and disturbing everybody, he decides to create a cell phone so that they can quarrel in the privacy of their toilets all they want without physical contact (Joke). Now go home and look at yourself in the mirror and say to yourself “I am a Creator”. Then ask yourself the second question, “Why Am I a Creator?” Thereafter listen to the inner voice for the answer.

For those of you who claim to speak to the Holy Ghost, could you ask the Holy Ghost for new technology please? He is faithful and just to give. It’s time to stop asking the Spirit the wrong questions. The quality of an answer will depend on the quality of the question.  

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