Thursday, October 22, 2015

When Others See MOUNTAINS, I see STEPS

"The one who says it's impossible should not interrupt the one doing it" ~ Chinese proverb

There is a great man or woman hiding inside each one of us. the one whose potential no man has conceived nor has it entered into anyone's mind to understand the magnitude of what you can bring to the party in the arena called life.   Whether you can sing, dance, write or be a great businessman, you are born with something great inside of you just waiting to happen if you let it. It is up to you to recognize it and give it your best shot! That is called finding and living your true purpose in life. Everything you are made off, is God's capital in your hands, even your very eyes, voice, legs or hands can make you the richest person on the planet. who knows?

The decision to change your life lies in your hand. All you have to do is tell yourself that you can and cast away all your fears once and for all! Don't waste your time thinking "what if?" and if anything what if you make it. See the value of how far you can go if you choose to say to yourself everyday these words "I can make it", "I deserve to be prosperous", "I can learn to do things better"

Plunge right in and take on every challenge that comes your way. If you are able to do this, there will be no place for worry, fear or self-doubt in your life. You will be a confident person who will be prepared to take on life head on! And moving forward without fear is the only route that will lead to success, no matter what your endeavour is.

The feeling of letting fear go is really liberating! When you let go of your fears because of certain choices that you make in life, you will be a happier and more confident person. The feeling of letting fear go is really liberating!

In fact when you let go of your fears and decide to take action, the universe starts conspiring for you and will make things fall in place. It's not always going to be easy, but it is definitely going to be worth it. So let go of the fears that are limiting you and move ahead with all your might!

Don't wait for others to begin what you will do for yourself. Muster up the courage and be the master
of your own decisions. It is time to live life for yourself, in all your glory!

Believe that you are born for greater things and liberate yourself from a life of ignominy. When you live your dreams, you will realize the true potential of life. The superb opportunities that life has to offer will open up in front of you.

There is no promise of it being easy; but when you choose to follow your dreams, every step you take
for yourself in the right direction will be worth it! So liberate yourself from all your fears and charge ahead!

No mountain is too high for you to climb and No river is too deep for you to swim. God has not brought you this far just in order for you to drown. No! but to Excel


Arthur Sichivula said...

Very Inspiring words.

Arthur Sichivula said...

Very Inspiring words.

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