Friday, January 19, 2018

University of the People, the world's first tuition-free online University: Review of my experience at UoPeople

“In times of change, learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.” ~ Eric Hoffer

"This post is a Review based on my own experience as a student studying computer science at the University (UoPeople) and it is not based on hear-say. nor is it a story told to me. This is real and is for someone out there seriously trying to advance their education" but time and Money has been the major obstacle.

I know that this sounds  too good to be true! A tuition free University education in this day and age? A world Where every one has become a loan shark trying to squeeze the last buck out of every Jim and Jane. It is no further from the truth. Believe me there are people with the heart to give. The University of the People was founded by Shai Reshef in 2009 to try to help students from all over the world who have been disadvantaged by time and money for them to access Higher Education.  The university is a fully accredited online school for higher education by the Distance Education and Training Council (DETC), an authorized accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. The online platform was a way to offer affordable distance education to students across continents and time zones

How did I come to know about its existence? A friend of mine posted a link entitled UoPeople offering tuition free university education on a forum I had subscribed to called ‘ebrain forum’ early in 2010. I didn’t think much about it but I said well what have I got to lose by submitting an application (extra information wouldn't do me any harm). I am also sure that a lot of people saw the link when it was posted but ignored. I eventually completed an online registration form and submitted all the requirements and soon after that left my country of residence to attend another training course in the Netherlands. One requirement was to submit a short write-up on why I thought I needed the education which I did. I completely forgot about the application until when I was somewhere in Europe on official assignment that I found an email that my application was successful in the faculty of Computer Science. Well in my mind I said well bring it on hoping to see one of those curriculum that would say do that for for three months and you get our Degree! The every day Internet scams we are accustomed to see, but God! I have been shocked by the curriculum and stud delivery standards I have been exposed to, the resource materials and the lecture methods comparable to any international standards I have read about. Yes it’s purely online but you don’t even feel it’s that way.  The university is up to date with the latest technology, research materials, teaching aids, laboratory methods and market trends. to give you an idea, in most computer science training, only read about things like Central Processing units (CPU) but in my experience at UoPeople, I got to develop one and also an android mobile system commonly called (Cellular Phone). Attending class at your own time and convenience, having access to the best training materials and tools  has been fun while you continue with daily life uninterrupted has been quite empowering

The university currently offers Bachelor of Science degrees in Computer Science, Business Administration and Public Health including Master of Business Administration (MBA) 

May be you are asking what my greatest joy has been studying at the UoPoeple? Put simply ‘Information’ has been the goldmine. Gaining the most valuable up to date information has been like gaining access to the international currency. Believe me, information is the modern day product of the moment. He who pursues learning will inherit the earth and the one who thinks has learnt enough will be in charge of a world that does not exist.

Before you start arguing with me, Go find out for yourself at

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