Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Born to be different

"I Breath in My Courage and Exhale my Fear"

I have learned in life that it is okay to be scared because when one is scared it means that you are about to do something really brave. Life looks like a layer of thick soil above you that cannot be penetrated and it feels impossible to break through. But think of yourself like you are a seed of maize buried in the fertile soil. The maize seed does not waste time to worry about the soil above it because it is aware that the creator engineered within the seed a divine program of breaking through with the least resistance. The seed will germinate and break through the ground out effortlessly. The ground gives way to the germinating maize with pleasure while nourishing the seed with all that is needed to get the job done.

Face the new year with this perspective, this new year is just a thick layer replete with all your blessings, opportunities and everything God designed for you to be the best version of yourself. The version that blesses everything you touch into Gold. Therefore, this year you have come to get everything they said you couldn't have.  No matter the situation, you should never let your emotions overpower your intelligence. This year, just follow your heart and invest in your purpose for living because you should know that people with a purpose, goals, and visions have no time for drama, they invest their energies in creativity and focus on living a positive life. Your failures of yesterday were designed as part of your winning strategy and the lessons learned were your fuel for success. 

In this new year, remember who you are, the child of the King of Kings. You will hear a lot of noises along the way but remember that a Lion does not turn when a dog barks. Do not let the world change your name to VICTIM. You are God's best-kept secret and you are AMAZINGLY different. Do not try to imitate anybody else or you end up a photocopy which has no value. You Are the Original

Be joyful and keep moving forward and give to the new year your best shot. Above all keep learning and never give in to age.

To your Success this Easter!

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