Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Don't Kill the Rich! They are a Blessing..

You cannot make the Poor people rich by killing all the rich people around. You can bet on your life, you need the rich and famous around for a reference point. You can sympathize and empathize with the poor, but don't remain in their midst just to conform to the common narrative. You cannot help the poor by being and remaining one of them, but you need to get out like Jesus Christ put it in one of His parables, to get some new wine (knowledge and Wisdom) in a new wineskin (mindset) and grow. 

Its time to open your eyes and ears for some fresh understanding of what you are capable of achieving by God's default. Don't take the scripture that says 'blessed are the poor' out of context to justify your laziness and lack of resolve to pursue a better life. Still doubting? news flash ... whether you are male or female, you are carrying seeds to bring forth other human beings (children) and when you create the right environment, you bring them forth effortlessly regardless of your status; rich, poor, educated and uneducated. 

What an equalizer that human beings have been created with! The human body doesn't even need a power charger plugged into some energy socket in order to function. Humans are so self-contained with everything in one place such that evil just wonders how a so sophisticated creative being wallows in poverty and lack in the midst of so much abundance both visible and invisible.

Choose to build your life and then acquire the capacity to pull the poor out of their abodes with the precision of your growth experience. Remember, the presence of the Rich and famous is evidence enough that anything in life is possible for anyone who dares to challenge the status quo. Therefore, bless the rich because what you appreciate will also appreciate in your life. What you hate will always stay far away from your life. Its time to give some love to everything you want to eventually fill your life with. Don't Constrict the God essence in you with the mediocrity of people who relegate the pursuit of a good life as the works of evil. Don't ask people who have never tried anything for advice, you can be surprised how they can successfully point you to nowhere. 

For God's sake change your friends and the social environment if you have to. some wise guy once said if you are moving around with 9 broke friends, you can be sure you are about to become the tenth broke dude. Don't aim so low in order to hit your target and start a life in the overcrowded zone, but aim for the top which is always vacant 

I know someone is asking the question, what about the poor we see all over places begging in the streets, who will help them? Good question! the fact that you are able to see and identify them, you are the chosen one to rescue them. However, if you are unable to help in a meaningful and transformative way, means you are also poor probably, like most of the people, living paycheck to paycheck. For as long as you, who is supposed to be the hero of the poor is still poor, the people you feel affectionate for will also remain in the same state. Feeling affection alone cannot put food on anyone's table. We need to go the extra mile. 

Coming to think of it in our society today, probably the churches or religious entities are supposed to be the sanctuaries for the poor. Well, just count how many so-called local and International religious entities have built Schools, orphanages, hospitals to allow the vulnerable groups to access services for free like Jesus Christ alluded to in Matt 25:40-45.  You will be surprised how many do actually care about the poor.

Food for thought,,,

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