Tuesday, September 24, 2019

You are at your Best Under Pressure!!

"When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure"
~ Peter Marshall


Scientific literature according to Wikipedia describes Diamond as "a solid form of the element carbon with its atoms arranged in a crystal structure called diamond cubic. It has been established that under very high pressure and temperature, carbon-containing fluids dissolved minerals and replaced them with precious diamonds"

Have you looked at how carbon looks like? not so fancy in any way if you ask me. Especially how dirty it will make you when you touch or handle it. Wow! how strange life can be as the very dirty looking element is actually the lovely precious diamond when under Pressure. It's a jewel that can make anyone rich overnight when owned. How wonderfull the Almighty Creator is such that Precious things are most of the time invisible to the evil eye. 

Now, look at your self and the circumstances that you may be going through. Your perception of yourself right now maybe that you think that you are not good enough or beautiful enough in this scheme of life for anyone to consider for anything. You don't even count yourself amongst the worthy ones. Today, GROW OUT OF THAT because you are precious beyond measure without any competitor. Someone may be going through really tough times and the pressure keeps rising like some evil one is pushing the pressure dial upwards without any regard. I encourage you to accept and thank God for the pressure because you are the highest grade of Diamond in the process of being unveiled to the world. Do not curse the troubles or blame anyone for the misfortunes you may be going through. Everyone playing the evil role in your life's movie is just porn in the Master's Chess game for your life and they don't even know it. Just persevere and soon it will be CHECKMATE. All things, according to the scriptures, work together for our good.

Some may want to leave you for others they think are better! Don't hold on to them as their role in your life's movie may just be over. What is yours will always come to you and what is not yours will always be in a hurry to leave. Therefore, don't stress over what or whoever decides to leave your life. You may think that you have invested so much in a relationship and believe that you can't live without the partner who is just about to give you the boot! I say to you, yes you can make it because you are a DIAMOND and your partner is too color blind to the extent that they can only see Carbon black. This is the reason why the wise speak in parables so that the wise can become wiser and the foolish can become more foolish. Life is a parable and the wise prosper from its mess

Jeremy Sisto's words come to mind:
"Diamonds are created through the pressures of earth and then have to go through a million dirty roads to get to the cutter who turns it into a beautiful massage. And that's like human beings. They go through a lot to be who they are in front of you"

You may be in business and you have achieved a certain level of success and believe that you can now retire peacefully! Hell No! no one retires from life. You need to go inside yourself again and experience the pressure of pondering on a new idea. Its time to experience how the new pressure will give birth to another Million Dollar Idea never seen before to move you higher above your peers,

Do not entertain fear because a wise man once said no one gets out of Life Alive. What a comfort to know ... Why waste time on fear which can't even save you from leaving life Alive.

Don't Stress over a Job the Almighty has already finished for you

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