Saturday, March 28, 2020

Because I Don't Quit

"Darkness May Abound all around, but hidden in it is humanity's Light"

Taking inspiration from the words of a wise man who once said and I quote "Winners are the people who, when the odds are stacked against them and those around them have fallen, will have the courage to look within themselves and make the unbelievable believable, and the impossible possible"

It seems everything in this life starts with darkness. The Christian Bible gives an account in Genesis 1:2  And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. The Creator called light out of the darkness and we can safely say that everything God began to put in order, that he later called good was hidden in the darkness.

The world today is experiencing one of the waste cases of darkness, the kind that has left even the most powerful nations with nowhere to run and desolate trying to survive. The kind nobody could have anticipated in the guise of a deadly virus with a name that rhymes with the word Crown. The virus has broken through the shield of the world's most advanced technologies like child-play and almost bringing the world economy to a standstill.

Everyone now is asking the question of what happened and how could we not have seen this strain of virus coming. This may not be even the time to start trying to interpret the scenarios and after-effects of the corona devastation with subtle Sudo blame games. We should rise above blame games because no matter who we think is to blame, we still have to suffer the consequences. Therefore, its time to pool our energies together and do what we can do without worrying about the things that are beyond our control. This is no time for any so-called prophet to try and explain God or the devil's hand in this. It is time to do what humanity is supposed to do in times like this. We mourn our compatriots who have gone but we honor the departed with what and how we rise above the devastation and tragedy so that their death is not in vain.

When Darkness dawns on our doorsteps, it is time to look through it and find the light hidden in darkness that moves us even higher. Darkness never leaves until light dawns because the Light will always subdue the darkness. Our greatest triumphs in life are never devoid of hardships or tragedies. Let us take comfort in the fact that God will never allow circumstances beyond our ability to handle to subdue us. Everything we need, God already built it inside of us the ability to overcome and there is no problem that God has not already made a provision for. We should continue to pray for God's comfort but we should never neglect thinking because it is in the thinking process that our God-given hardware (the brain) and software (the mind), help our intellect to compute and deal with scientific problems like the one we have now. We may all not be scientists but we can pray and send positive vibrations that scientific solutions find their way to the Scientific minds for a remedy. Remember that God never created a Chair but He created a Tree and thinking pulled a chair out of a tree.

Let us not concentrate on the pain but let us take valuable lessons from this episode to carry through to our future. Humanity did not quit in the Face of past plagues and HIV/AIDS. Let us look to the strength that God has provided for within us and make the unbelievable believable and the impossible possible

We should not quit NOW because we don't QUIT   

Sunday, March 22, 2020

The HEM, The HYMN and The HIM

When You are Hanging by a THREAD, Make sure it is the HEM of HIS Garment"~ TOBBY MCHEEHAN

The Christian Bible gives an account of a woman reported to have had an issue of blood for 12 years. the Bible records how this determined to be a healed woman fought her way through the crowd just to touch Jesus Christ for healing. She convinced herself that "If I Could Just Touch The Hem Of His Garment, I Know I Would Be Made Whole!" The account ends with her getting her desired healing after she touched the HEM of Jesus' garment.

This is a wonderful account of faith and determination working together to achieve the desired goal. When we breakdown the various components of this event, we see that there is someone (the woman) with a problem and there is someone (Jesus) with the solution, and there is a garment worn by the solution provider (with a HEM). The woman believed that Jesus held her healing and she did not have to touch, hug or kiss Jesus to get the result but just to touch a figment of him overflowing in His garment was going to be enough. This conversation that she had was her HYMN of victory as she already believed she was already healed. Therefore, she visualized the HIM who was God incarnate, the source of life and she connected to the overflow of healing through the HEM of HIS garment and pushed towards the presence of God to confirm the healing.

There are two ways you can look at this Biblical account; one (1) as an inspirational story of a woman healed after a 12-year stint with an ugly sickness. I have experienced this perception of the story in religious circles where songs or HYMNS have been created to eulogize the extraordinary healing episode. Well, it sounds religiously correct but Christians have been doing that for far too long. They have sung songs of how God made a way through the Red Sea for the children of Israel to pass and many countless miraculous Biblical events, but poverty still ranks high amongst the so-called faithful. We are missing something here!

The second way is to look at the account as holding an eternal principle hidden underneath; Remember that Jesus taught in parables so that the principle should transcend through time and be relevant to every generation. This Biblical event is also a parable that should be relevant today. The woman represents anybody looking for solutions or salvation in an area of their life where everything is bleeding away. This could be finances or relationships etc. The woman identified her own problem and recognized her solution provider and she needed to chart her path. Before she approached Jesus she had to believe that she is already healed. She did not have to stay still and wait, she had to push her way through every obstacle and negative reactions from others in her pursuit of healing. She was inspired by her own HYMN of victory. Your song will reveal your dominant mindset paradigms. put simply, your song defines your destiny. If you exhort poverty, poverty will abound in abundance and if your push hard to go to heaven where you believe there are no problems, do not be surprised if you end up there fast enough.

The woman sang a song of healing received while pushing forward through the maze of human obstacles to the source of life. It is not uncommon to hear songs of complaints or sorrows abounding in this life from religious circles to the extent of the faithful wanting to go and live with the Lord in heaven. Many people believe unconsciously that complaining about a problem is equivalent to doing something about it. You can talk about the crucifixion of Jesus but if you miss the principle, you cannot benefit from it. 

Its time to go beyond the HYMN to the HIM who holds your solution and start your journey to your real life. If you want wealth, learn the principles of wealth creation and management, and above all believe that it is possible for you to become wealthy. If you want to be married become a husband or wife in your mind and be ready to receive your partner otherwise you will be caught unaware without knowing what to do with your new partner. When you don't understand the purpose of anything, You will abuse it and lose it

Don't Be Afraid because no one gets out of life Alive

Saturday, March 21, 2020

What makes a man or woman plough through outdoor trash?

"Do not Make your Mind a Dumping Ground for other People's Garbage"~ Ezra Taft Benson

There comes a time when somebody realizes that there is no more honor to protect. You realize that you have been living a life of making up appearances, you have been pretending to be someone else you can never be but an imposter. A life where you have put up smiles on your face while deeply morning in your heart endlessly. Life does not care who you have been hanging out or kicking it with. If you do not realize sooner that you are a great god living as a slave, you will end up ploughing through trash for all to see when the garbage dump becomes your only option of survival.

Someone will remember the times they didn’t know if they will have the next meal or where it will ever come from. A time when the people you thought you knew only to realize they cared less about you. You looked to the left or right or the mountain and wondering where your help will come from. You have even lost yourself in the maze of life unfortunately and you don’t even know who you are anymore. It’s time to declare ‘Time Out’, and take on the authentic journey to find yourself. A time to stop singing the wrong songs that have defined your past and take on the new chorus that defines your future and kingdom. Jesus Christ gave the world the most significant clue to where your kingdom is located “behold the Kingdom of God is within you” Luke 17:21. Your kingdom does not reside in events or religious processions nor does it lie in reciting intelligently crafted religious stories you have been made to believe. People have been reading religious texts and accounts all their lives but have only been ‘trapped in content’ and consequently missed the life-changing principles that transcend through time.

If according to Jesus Christ, the only one capable of dividing time to BC and AD, the Kingdom is within you, why not try to go within to find out by yourself. Everybody else including your religious teachers, have tried to promise you the kingdom for I don’t know how long? The kingdom has eluded you and you are still barely living below the minimum to the point of finding yourself on the garbage dump. You may be on the garbage dump right now ploughing through trash and I can tell you that it may just be the best place for you to start germinating into the greatness that you were meant to be. The trash may be the manure you needed for your growth. After all, every seed planted on the garbage dump grows into a healthy plant because the trash produces the required nutrients for its growth. Why not learn the right type of prayer that takes you within to dig out your treasures. The kind of prayer that makes the universe smile at you every day with your desires. The kind that makes you a wealth and abundance magnet.  The kind of prayer that does not care where you start your life whether on a garbage dump or the manger. You always end up at the top.

Learn the right kind of meditation that helps you reprogram your mindset into believing in unlimited possibilities for your life. Read the kind of books that help your personal growth in this dynamic world.

You have spent too much time trying to unravel the mysteries of God and you have not even thought twice about unwrapping the mystery that you are. Its time to reboot your life and ask the source of everything including the mysteries of life, that is God almighty. Find a quiet place and with all your mind, heart and soul, cry for HELP from God and not any other man but GOD. 

Experience God arising from within to guide you on your unique path

Friday, March 13, 2020

You are amazing and Warrior forever

The Devil Whispers, "You can't Withstand the Storm." And the Warrior Replied "I AM THE STORM

You keep fighting that conversation showing up every day, every morning in your mind, in your heart without any invitation telling you that you will never measure up to anything. Go within yourself and discover that you can achieve anything if put your mind to it. You are a god

The fact that you are alive today is testimony enough that the almighty creator has your back. Know that this life, the good life was crafted for you otherwise, you would not have been here now. 

Do not let circumstances force you to revise yourself out of history because you were designed to make an impact in this life. 

Everything else anybody has told you that is less than your greatness is a Lie and its time you shut it out and click 'delete'. 

Your presence perplexes the Angels of God and the Devil is forever shocked by your awesomeness. You are the reason God said this earth is good. 

Your DNA is engraved with a dream so big no amount of money can buy it. Your life is full of light such that darkness only can linger but a moment, near you.

You are a King, a Queen and don’t settle for less. Walk like a prospect and not like a suspect. Every obstacle you see is an illusion soliciting for your fear in order to appear real. 

You are not alone and every tear you have shed in this life, the devil will pay a hundredfold. Woe unto him the devil used to stand in your way or fight you.

This is your time to resolve to wake up the King or Queen in you and let life give way for you to build your kingdom effortlessly

Change your thoughts and you will change your world. You are awesome, wonderful and beautifully made in the creator's image. Don't let the world define you but define yourself

To your success

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Heaven So Near, Yet So far Away

"When an anointed and ignorant man is broke, it produces annoyance." ~Bright Mulenga

Hosea the Jewish prophet could not have been so blunt enough when he is quoted as saying "My People perish because of lack of knowledge, in essence, Ignorant (Hosea 4:6). The worst part of this scripture is that it further alludes to the fact that knowledge is already available within and around us but we have chosen to reject it to our own peril. People have replaced thinking with prayer. It has become fashionable for people to learn the Jewish Bible only without learning about themselves and the world around them. People have rejected learning even basic mathematics and wonder why God cannot give them too much money which they cannot even count. Why should God give someone a Million Dollars when they don't know what comprises a Million Dollars? They classify good clothes as evil while they would still label someone walking in 'Adams suit' (nude) as possessed by the devil. What in heaven do religious people want?

The great controversy regarding mankind enjoying the fruits of 'Heaven', the 'Kingdom' or however you want to describe a place where you have everything you desire, has been defined or misdefined by religion. In the English vocabulary, heaven is the word for "the sky or more specifically, the dwelling place of God. It comes from the Old English “heofon” meaning 'a place of eternal happiness' and therefore associated with Paradise." 

Man! don't we all wish to live in a paradise where all things are possible and present? Therefore, religion has taken upon itself the epitome role to show everyone the only way to finding heaven or the Kingdom of God in order to finally live the life of their dreams. The only issue I have had with the religious heaven as it was described to me rightly or wrongly is that one has to die first to get there. If spiritual heaven was so dear to God, why not just send us there in the first place to save us from the round trip of coming to Earth first and die to go back to heaven in the afterlife. In my view, its a share waste of God's time and energy to create things for His children to come and enjoy but does not allow them to enjoy until they die and leave the physical space. Look at it in this way, God spends all His precious time to create the Earth as we know it and invests in it all the good things we can see today and in the years to come just to admire? and to top it all, writes a book to ensure His children kept their hands off the jewels because the devil is busy with it? No wonder some common themes in religious songs typify people's desire to go to heaven someday or quickly when this life is over with high spiritual energy.

This is my take on these issues, the fact that there are people who are wealthy in our society is evidence enough that anyone can be wealthy. The only problem why others may not be wealthy taken on the path is that we are too shy to ask the rich their secrets to a life of wealth. Further our own personal company of friends and acquaintances are replete with broke folks without any vision, yet we ask the same people if it is possible to become rich? What do we expect them to tell us about wealth creation or the fastest way to brokenness? Like the saying goes don't ask a Cook about building an airplane. If you want to know about what you are capable of achieving ask God with whom you have the same creation and divine essence.

To Your Success  

Monday, March 9, 2020

Happy Women's Day Thoughts: #MyStrongWomen

Feminism isn’t about making women strong. Women are already strong. It’s about changing the way the world perceives that strength.” –G.D. Anderson

You were called God’s precious on the day you showed up in this life. That is the reason Adam was sent into a sleep of death when you were created and he never saw you coming when he woke up. Alas! Adam to this day has never understood the woman on his side. You have remained a mystery to the world as the wise saying puts it “What you don’t understand, you will abuse or call it names.” You are not a piece Meat but a Jewel of unfathomable value more precious and expensive than Diamonds.

When Adam woke up to the reality of your presence, he had a loss for words and I quote “Flesh of my flesh, born of my born in the words of confused Adam of the movie GENESIS (Gen: 23), hoping he understood what he was talking about.

You are the only ones who God took out from another man’s body through what could have been described as the first caesarian operation without leaving a mark or wound. Adam has been looking for the wound under his ribs since creation in order to find a cause to demean you and he is still looking, unfortunately. This is a divine lesson that the creator left for the world to learn from that whenever women are nurtured and helped to come out of the shell holding their potential, they were wired not to leave a dent or wound but to lift others on their way up the ladder of life.

You are the only ones who will never finish all the food on the table but will always remember those under your watch who have not had their food yet.

You are the only ones with a body so beautiful and complex that all the Men wished they had X-Ray eyes to figure out all the corners to satisfy their curiosity.

You are the reason all the major religions of the world have a Messiah or a Prophet even though they are too proud to acknowledge the fact.

Society has been unfair to you. Society teaches women how to take care of the men but never mentors Men to love, nurture and be good husbands and fathers. Societal norms have been biased against you by making you believe that you owe men everything and that you have to be weak to survive the so-called Man’s World.

Why should women wake up to a life of restriction that the world has defined for them? Why should the girl child be groomed only for marriage? 


Women, You are unstoppable in every way, happy women's day to all the women of the world

In Their eyes We Looked like Grasshoppers

  WE are so Great as Africans no wonder someone has spent all their energies to convince us that we are nothing. Unfortunately, we have beli...