Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Heaven So Near, Yet So far Away

"When an anointed and ignorant man is broke, it produces annoyance." ~Bright Mulenga

Hosea the Jewish prophet could not have been so blunt enough when he is quoted as saying "My People perish because of lack of knowledge, in essence, Ignorant (Hosea 4:6). The worst part of this scripture is that it further alludes to the fact that knowledge is already available within and around us but we have chosen to reject it to our own peril. People have replaced thinking with prayer. It has become fashionable for people to learn the Jewish Bible only without learning about themselves and the world around them. People have rejected learning even basic mathematics and wonder why God cannot give them too much money which they cannot even count. Why should God give someone a Million Dollars when they don't know what comprises a Million Dollars? They classify good clothes as evil while they would still label someone walking in 'Adams suit' (nude) as possessed by the devil. What in heaven do religious people want?

The great controversy regarding mankind enjoying the fruits of 'Heaven', the 'Kingdom' or however you want to describe a place where you have everything you desire, has been defined or misdefined by religion. In the English vocabulary, heaven is the word for "the sky or more specifically, the dwelling place of God. It comes from the Old English “heofon” meaning 'a place of eternal happiness' and therefore associated with Paradise." 

Man! don't we all wish to live in a paradise where all things are possible and present? Therefore, religion has taken upon itself the epitome role to show everyone the only way to finding heaven or the Kingdom of God in order to finally live the life of their dreams. The only issue I have had with the religious heaven as it was described to me rightly or wrongly is that one has to die first to get there. If spiritual heaven was so dear to God, why not just send us there in the first place to save us from the round trip of coming to Earth first and die to go back to heaven in the afterlife. In my view, its a share waste of God's time and energy to create things for His children to come and enjoy but does not allow them to enjoy until they die and leave the physical space. Look at it in this way, God spends all His precious time to create the Earth as we know it and invests in it all the good things we can see today and in the years to come just to admire? and to top it all, writes a book to ensure His children kept their hands off the jewels because the devil is busy with it? No wonder some common themes in religious songs typify people's desire to go to heaven someday or quickly when this life is over with high spiritual energy.

This is my take on these issues, the fact that there are people who are wealthy in our society is evidence enough that anyone can be wealthy. The only problem why others may not be wealthy taken on the path is that we are too shy to ask the rich their secrets to a life of wealth. Further our own personal company of friends and acquaintances are replete with broke folks without any vision, yet we ask the same people if it is possible to become rich? What do we expect them to tell us about wealth creation or the fastest way to brokenness? Like the saying goes don't ask a Cook about building an airplane. If you want to know about what you are capable of achieving ask God with whom you have the same creation and divine essence.

To Your Success  

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