Monday, March 9, 2020

Happy Women's Day Thoughts: #MyStrongWomen

Feminism isn’t about making women strong. Women are already strong. It’s about changing the way the world perceives that strength.” –G.D. Anderson

You were called God’s precious on the day you showed up in this life. That is the reason Adam was sent into a sleep of death when you were created and he never saw you coming when he woke up. Alas! Adam to this day has never understood the woman on his side. You have remained a mystery to the world as the wise saying puts it “What you don’t understand, you will abuse or call it names.” You are not a piece Meat but a Jewel of unfathomable value more precious and expensive than Diamonds.

When Adam woke up to the reality of your presence, he had a loss for words and I quote “Flesh of my flesh, born of my born in the words of confused Adam of the movie GENESIS (Gen: 23), hoping he understood what he was talking about.

You are the only ones who God took out from another man’s body through what could have been described as the first caesarian operation without leaving a mark or wound. Adam has been looking for the wound under his ribs since creation in order to find a cause to demean you and he is still looking, unfortunately. This is a divine lesson that the creator left for the world to learn from that whenever women are nurtured and helped to come out of the shell holding their potential, they were wired not to leave a dent or wound but to lift others on their way up the ladder of life.

You are the only ones who will never finish all the food on the table but will always remember those under your watch who have not had their food yet.

You are the only ones with a body so beautiful and complex that all the Men wished they had X-Ray eyes to figure out all the corners to satisfy their curiosity.

You are the reason all the major religions of the world have a Messiah or a Prophet even though they are too proud to acknowledge the fact.

Society has been unfair to you. Society teaches women how to take care of the men but never mentors Men to love, nurture and be good husbands and fathers. Societal norms have been biased against you by making you believe that you owe men everything and that you have to be weak to survive the so-called Man’s World.

Why should women wake up to a life of restriction that the world has defined for them? Why should the girl child be groomed only for marriage? 


Women, You are unstoppable in every way, happy women's day to all the women of the world

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