Sunday, March 22, 2020

The HEM, The HYMN and The HIM

When You are Hanging by a THREAD, Make sure it is the HEM of HIS Garment"~ TOBBY MCHEEHAN

The Christian Bible gives an account of a woman reported to have had an issue of blood for 12 years. the Bible records how this determined to be a healed woman fought her way through the crowd just to touch Jesus Christ for healing. She convinced herself that "If I Could Just Touch The Hem Of His Garment, I Know I Would Be Made Whole!" The account ends with her getting her desired healing after she touched the HEM of Jesus' garment.

This is a wonderful account of faith and determination working together to achieve the desired goal. When we breakdown the various components of this event, we see that there is someone (the woman) with a problem and there is someone (Jesus) with the solution, and there is a garment worn by the solution provider (with a HEM). The woman believed that Jesus held her healing and she did not have to touch, hug or kiss Jesus to get the result but just to touch a figment of him overflowing in His garment was going to be enough. This conversation that she had was her HYMN of victory as she already believed she was already healed. Therefore, she visualized the HIM who was God incarnate, the source of life and she connected to the overflow of healing through the HEM of HIS garment and pushed towards the presence of God to confirm the healing.

There are two ways you can look at this Biblical account; one (1) as an inspirational story of a woman healed after a 12-year stint with an ugly sickness. I have experienced this perception of the story in religious circles where songs or HYMNS have been created to eulogize the extraordinary healing episode. Well, it sounds religiously correct but Christians have been doing that for far too long. They have sung songs of how God made a way through the Red Sea for the children of Israel to pass and many countless miraculous Biblical events, but poverty still ranks high amongst the so-called faithful. We are missing something here!

The second way is to look at the account as holding an eternal principle hidden underneath; Remember that Jesus taught in parables so that the principle should transcend through time and be relevant to every generation. This Biblical event is also a parable that should be relevant today. The woman represents anybody looking for solutions or salvation in an area of their life where everything is bleeding away. This could be finances or relationships etc. The woman identified her own problem and recognized her solution provider and she needed to chart her path. Before she approached Jesus she had to believe that she is already healed. She did not have to stay still and wait, she had to push her way through every obstacle and negative reactions from others in her pursuit of healing. She was inspired by her own HYMN of victory. Your song will reveal your dominant mindset paradigms. put simply, your song defines your destiny. If you exhort poverty, poverty will abound in abundance and if your push hard to go to heaven where you believe there are no problems, do not be surprised if you end up there fast enough.

The woman sang a song of healing received while pushing forward through the maze of human obstacles to the source of life. It is not uncommon to hear songs of complaints or sorrows abounding in this life from religious circles to the extent of the faithful wanting to go and live with the Lord in heaven. Many people believe unconsciously that complaining about a problem is equivalent to doing something about it. You can talk about the crucifixion of Jesus but if you miss the principle, you cannot benefit from it. 

Its time to go beyond the HYMN to the HIM who holds your solution and start your journey to your real life. If you want wealth, learn the principles of wealth creation and management, and above all believe that it is possible for you to become wealthy. If you want to be married become a husband or wife in your mind and be ready to receive your partner otherwise you will be caught unaware without knowing what to do with your new partner. When you don't understand the purpose of anything, You will abuse it and lose it

Don't Be Afraid because no one gets out of life Alive

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