Tuesday, July 21, 2020

A Letter to My Grandchildren: Chapter 1 The Evil that has Kept the Poor Locked down: Fear of Hell

“The Almighty God is the MASTER of all Creation who made a copy of Himself by creating a MASTERPIECE called MAN. Therefore, it will take the Master to RESTORE the Masterpiece"

Second on the list of evils that hold the poor lockdown isThe Fear of Hell: In talking about the subject of hell, I am fully aware that different religious groups have described Hell within the contexts on which their spiritual foundation is founded.  I do not intend to challenge these beliefs in any way in this letter but I would like to look at the subject of Hell with an open mind because I notice how people are more afraid to enter this place of supposed eternal torment than to live in perpetual poverty. Based on the teaching I have received through my Christian background, HELL is a place where sinners are destined to end up. A place of eternal torment of souls who disobeyed God’s law, to put it in simple terms. While Heaven is the promised kingdom or paradise of abundance where the 'elect' or faithful ones will spend their eternity with the creator. However, there is one catch to all this, one needs to die to go to heaven or hell as their final resting. The mere Biblical description of Hell as “a lake burning with fire and sulfur” has scared the wits out of religious followers to an extent that they spend their lives trying to figure out ways to avoid it than find their purpose in life.

Symbols, places, products, clothes, and many things have been identified that are presumed access to the evil that takes one straight to Hell. The poor have been convinced that wealth and excessive riches are devilish hence, not to be aspired for. Therefore, the pursuit of self-actualization that results ultimately in wealth creation has in most cases been avoided, as doing so is associated with towing with the devil. Now, wait a minute! I thought the Bible in the following verses and more actually puts the record straight that all good things come from God; Matthew 7:11, James 1:17, Psalm 103:5, Psalm 85:12 the list goes on. Ask yourself the question, has the devil created anything? And it is written somewhere in some evil script that the devil in the era of so and so created the bla bla bla… Here is the problem, whatever religious groups do not understand they label it evil, and add it to the ‘not-to-do list for a spiritual person. The implication of this has been that religious folks spend more time to learn ways of avoiding getting to hell than learning more about who they are in God's eyes in power, capacity and learn how to build themselves to manifest and innovate the good things that the creator has invested in the physical universe to His glory. What is the point in eulogizing poverty when you also want to have food? In doing so the poor have developed subconsciously self-destructive attitudes towards nice things and the people who own them. They hate anyone who is rich with the assumption that it is the rich that are taking everything away while leaving them with nothing. Believe me, there is more in this life to go around and nobody is taking anything away from anyone. Life teaches us all that whatever you are afraid of, you will attract in your life. Even the Great JOB of the Old Testament Bible learned that bitter lesson in Job 3:25. Therefore, religious people keep attracting the evil that they are so afraid of to an extent that they have put it on autoreplay in their everyday dangerous prayers of sending evil away. People learn to hate things of value without realizing that things of value will never show up in their lives because of hate. While the message of Heaven and Hell has been embraced as an essential pillar of religious teaching, it has, however, been framed in a cloud of a fear-based-gospel to enforce obedience to some spiritual laws which in most cases are embedded with human laws or the fear of the religious group leader, you never know!

What is the identity of the victim destined for Hell? Now I would wish for you to look further into identifying who would really go to Hell. This is my opinion and you don’t have to agree with it but I would wish that you look it with an open mind without any biases. Here we go;
Genesis 1: 26 reads "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth." 
This is how I look at it “The Almighty God is the MASTER of the entire Creation who in Genesis 1:26 made a copy of Himself creating a MASTERPIECE called MAN to operate, govern and translate what the Master has accomplished in the spiritual realm into the physical earth. That is the reason God did not create chairs, cars, planes mobile phones name it but hid them in the physical universe that He created. of course, we know that the Masterpiece (man) was already built with the potential to bring out everything into the reality that 'the man' can think or imagine as we have witnessed in the 20th century. Therefore, this Masterpiece called man, a copy of God and connected to God but clothed with flesh is you and me regardless of whether we are operating at our full potential or not.  In accordance with the doctrine of Hell, therefore, if 'the man' is found wanted in relation to the law, man will be sent to Hell. Are you with me so far? But to go to Hell the man must die which is a process that essentially takes off the flesh from the man and transforms man back to his original spiritual identity which disconnects him from physical reality. When I consider all these factors, I am left with the question of who God is really sending to Hell if that was His ultimate objective in relation to wrongdoing? Himself, a copy of Himself, the man? WHO and I mean the real identity (refer to Gen 1:26)!

Does that mean there are no Dos and Don’ts in this life and everyone is free to act as they please? No! that’s not what I am saying. Experience has taught everyone an important lesson that to every action there are consequences attached, Good or Bad and we experience them in our lifetime. Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.

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