Monday, August 3, 2020

You can create a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Expert in 1 hour?

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, either way, you're right.” ~ Henry Ford
It does not matter at what level of computer skills one may be at. It has been achieved before and I talk from practical experience that anyone can become a Microsoft Excel Expert in 1 hr or less. Here is the Three (3) Step formula I have used in my career to build spreadsheet skills in trainees:
  1. The first 10 minutes tell the trainees or yourself to relax (You can even do a breath-in and out exercise, if you like at this stage) and speak to their minds and brains that Excel is the simplest application one can use and the only prerequisite is that one must have gone through grade 2 class at primary school and hopefully graduated that class. let them know that when using MS Excel, one does not really need to think because the computer must do the thinking. It also helps if the trainees can put aside every prejudiced idea they may have heard about how complex Excel before and be willing to start from scratch and believe the message that they can do this
  2. In the next 20 minutes, acquaint the trainees on the Excel interface using the metaphor of a grade 1 squared box mathematics book to allow their brains to relax that they are doing the simple staff and to help transfer the message of how the spreadsheet Cells role comes into play including the cell address system (Column Letter+Row Number e.g Column A and Row 1 gives cell address A1 etc.) in a soft way. During these 20 minutes, show that the application uses the methodology of 2️⃣➕1️⃣ = ⏹ put simply (2 + 1 = BOX) which they should have encountered in grades 1 and 2. Show the trainees how to calculate using the click method where they only use the mouse to click the values to be applied in the formula and only typing in the functional symbols (+, *, /,=, etc.). The simplest way to approach Excel formulas as a rule of the thumb in the click method is to first click the Cell where you want the Result or Answer to appear, then while the active cell (or the current highlighted cursor focus) is in the Result Cell type (on the keyboard) the equal sign (=) to symbolize that formula is starting, next click the cell which holds the First value to be added or multiplied, etc. without clicking or pressing the enter key (on the keyboard) you then type (on the keyboard) the function to be used in the formula such as sum (+) or multiply (*), then click the next cell that holds the second value to be added or multiplied (whatever applies) and as the last action PRESS the Enter Key (on the keyboard) to complete the formula and walaaa it's done. Remembering that you only use Press The Enter Key when the cell holding the last value for the formula is clicked
  3. The last 30 minutes is crucial in this whole scheme because its time to let the trainees move the skills to their hands and fingers from their brains or minds. this is the time to build the hands and fingers motor skills in relation to Spreadsheets. it's important that they practice creating Excel formulas using the click method for different functions (+-*/ etc) by continuously mouse-clicking through the formula scenarios so that their hands can store the skill information permanently. It's the same method that driving schools use to train vehicle drivers. The Object is to impart the skill into the body because the body does not forget easily. Haven't you seen how human beings can sign their official signatures without thinking about how the signature should exactly be written? all just because the hand and fingers have already mastered it hence, it flows effortlessly. You can have the same experience with Spreadsheets if you want just in 1 hr. All you need is the desire and will. Please, don't throw a fit in the face of spreadsheets, it's simply a set of grade 1 staff. I hope this helps someone..

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