Sunday, May 16, 2021

If you can’t Convince them, Confuse them

 A letter to my grandchildren: African Ancestors did nothing wrong!

Africans for some time have been labeled backward people even after getting the education they prescribed for them. The prescribed education in fact only created employees and never employers. Therefore, we were trained to take care of other people’s possession and never to own anything. The Religion they brought to us managed to convince us that our African Ancestors committed high treason before the face of God and we are paying the price of their supposed sins hence, we are supposed to repent for those sins and iniquities on their behalf in order to see the perceived change and enjoy the prosperity that is idolized in certain parts of the world. Every week the African has continued to repent of these ancestral inequities with no sign of change in sight, the poor are still poor. Religion has even designed the picture of the devil with our black skin color while all the angels in the supposed presence of God are all white in color. Talk about killing the self-esteem of people at a deeper level with such an illustration. We walk as broken people under sin and have been hypnotized to the extent that we have even rejected our own traditional names and norms in preference for the ones recommended by our spiritual educators including their cultural norms hoping that will change our circumstances and in the process make the African look distinguished. But we are forgetting one truth that a Rose flower under any other name will still smell a rose flower.

If our African ancestors were as backward and evil as we have been made to believe, then let’s consider the facts. How did my ancestors manage to move from wherever they came from whether it is in the mountains of Cameroon in West Africa without shoes or clothes, braving the most hostile African jungles, unpredictable climatic conditions, crossing some of the most turbulent rivers, fighting off wild animals, providing child and maternal health services until they were able to settle in the various places that the white missionaries found them. If you ask me, our ancestors were true heroes and someone deliberately did not want the Africans to view their past in that positive light. Hence, make people be ashamed of their history

Well, let’s ask the question, who led our ancestors through their journeys and whose wisdom did they use to enable them to brave the difficult great treks that they undertook to the point where the African we see today was born and is alive fully formed. Is it the devil? Consider for a moment if the African migration and spiritual journey were well recorded in the same manner the Jewish history has been recorded in the Torah, wouldn’t we see the hand of a divine God somewhere in there? The fear-based religion that we have been exposed to, has truly made zombies out of some of our people today. One thing is true, Nobody can pray themselves into prosperity otherwise the Africans would have been the richest people on the face of the earth because they are true prayer warriors trying to kill the devil who is the supposed author of poverty. Except I don’t really know who gave Africans the idea that the devil is hiding in the mountains.

We have been asking our religious teachers to show us how to get to the abundance that God promised in various religious texts and the answer we normally get is so familiar, do not aspire for these worldly treasures as your true treasure awaits you in heaven. Wow! Can somebody remind them that nobody gets out of life alive! To get to heaven one has to die and be buried hallelujah.

The solutions to Africa’s economic problem actually lie in the problems themselves except that we have been trained always to look elsewhere first like an academic text book written in 1950! God in his divine wisdom prepacked solutions in the problems themselves like the maize crop is in the maize seed itself. For example, if we consider Africa’s agriculture problems, is the African arable land located only in Europe, Asia or America? Are the people who are supposed to farm the land only in Europe, Asia, or America? Many times the solutions are just as simple as that. But Africans are too educated and always believe it’s complicated to solve agricultural problems. Who knows maybe that’s the reason Jesus Christ did not attend any Earthly University so that he can uncomplicated life as we know it. Seriously can we for a moment unlearn things and get back to the basics.

Well at least I can finally declare as the Mexican proverb says “They tried to burry us, but they didn’t know we were seeds” Africa will wake up one day and take its destiny in its own hands and the liar will be exposed

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