Sunday, June 6, 2021

The Side of YOU, not even You knew existed!

" It doesn't matter where you are born, it could be in a Manger. But in God's mind, it is a setup for Christmas and not for you to become a Donkey" You are destined for Greatness

YOU are the kind that turns water into wine, the side that turns a moment of sorrow into springboards for greater exploits. The Kind that creates a table in the presence of thine enemies. The you that the Devil left with Marks of Triumph. The YOU who is wonderfully and beautifully made beyond anyone's wildest dreams. The YOU who can never be duplicated. The one with the Potential to do far above and beyond the imagination of what anyone in this life can fathom. The YOU who is God's best-kept secret until now. The You under whom life awaits instructions to carry out your wishes, the YOU with the tongue of authority that whatever you can declare in this life will come to pass

You are the one who was created self-contained that you don't even need an electric charger in order to live. You are the kind that is able to stand on two legs firmly without a third pillar to keep your posture.

MAN, WOMAN, the divine is waiting for your action to turn this world into a better place for all humanity.

Let no one cheat you that they know the details about your great because the Creator was so wise and He hid your bright future inside of YOU. And it is only you who can bring it out. Simple as that.

Be inspired today

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