Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Worry No More


Erma Bombeck once wrote, “Worry is like a rocking chair: it gives you something to do but never gets you anywhere.” Why should anyone spend valuable time on issues that are beyond one's control? And why worry over spilled milk? You may have lost a job or lost the love of your life! It could be anything but it's time one made up their mind to move forward and start afresh. Therefore, how can one stop worrying?

In this article, I will highlight 4 ways of dealing with worry I found interesting out of the 6 ways illustrated by Amy Morin, in an article written in Psychology Today titled” 6 Ways to Stop Worrying About Things You Can’t Change.

Determine What You Can Control; it is mare foolishness to think you can make the sun never go down and allow nighttime to come. Whether one likes it or not Day and Night will never cease. Generally in life, we may not be in control of what happens to us but we are in control of how we react to what happens to us

Focus on your influence; it is usually to wise to poke into other people’s business in which you have no authority to change or influence anything. One may be accused of trespassing. Let us focus on areas where we have 100% influence to make changes

Identify your fears; everyone is afraid of something like there are many people afraid of death. Well talking about death, it’s a well-known fact that no one will ever get out of life alive! It’s that simple. Some have the fear of failure. Identify your fears and accept them. Accepting your fears is the first step to begin to do something about them in order to move forward in life.

Develop healthy affirmations; worry is usually expressed in words through negative affirmations like “I know things will not work out like the last time”. However, why not develop positive affirmations “ I know things will work out for my good”, “I am blessed” “I will achieve success”, ”I am wonderfully and beautifully created” as the bible says in proverbs “ As Man thinks in his heart so is he”

Stop the Worry culture that is holding you back today

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