Saturday, July 31, 2021

In the Shadows

"I decided long ago never to walk in anyone's shadow; if I fail, or if I succeed at least I did as I believe" ~Whitney Houston

What if everything we thought we knew to be true was all wrongs? We pray, we go to church every Sunday and we fast, yet we wallow in poverty and when lucky we live paycheck to paycheck. Our Land is full of mineral wealth yet our currencies are worthless. Our countries are in debt yet our land is host to vast mineral wealth worth a thousand times more than the debt we owe to other nations. We are demeaned every day for the poverty that seems to be in abundance in our communities yet we are sitting on Gold, Copper, Cobalt the list is endless. 

We think we know God and talk to him every day yet he seems not to reveal nothing to us on getting our land out of poverty, how ironic! Yet we seem to know more about demons and their names plus how to get rid of them. We are taught about Angels except they should be white in color yet if you dream of a black angel it must be a demon sent from the devil's bedroom to haunt you.

In the Shadows of those who control the world, we have been hypnotized to slumber and sleepwalk through life with the illusion that we are educated and civilized. We hold the holy books and declare we are free. Free to do what? and freedom from what?

Have we been asleep too long that we have even mistaken the shadow for light? We have been holding the holy books with content already interpreted for us to suit the objective of an enslaving cartel! Hence we believe we know the truth and walk in that truth. The system has even been designed for us to be educated to retire and not to make a life

We have been made to think and believe we walk in the light but have never stopped to think and realize that we have been living in the shadows or else why are we still impoverished even after getting more than educated including getting born again in the chosen religion. 

OH! we have been given the ultimate prize, HEAVEN!. Well nobody goes to heaven alive. Whatever you want to achieve and enjoy can only be done right here on earth in your earthly body with the God-given potential locked inside of you waiting to make you the King or the Queen you were meant to be


Sunday, July 25, 2021


 “The primary difference between rich people and poor people is how they handle fear”. ... Robert Kiyosaki

"Fear = False Evidence Appearing Real”

No matter what we try to think is our major hindrance, fear will always be one of the underlying snake creeping silently in our everyday decisions and actions that we try in order to pull ourselves up. It’s a monster we have to face because we have developed it for far too long a time since childhood. But it’s time we showed fear the door out of our lives. Probably the windows too!

Let me share with you tips I learnt from an article by Gin Ng Khin Wee on 10 steps you can take to deal with fear;

Fear of failing, of course everyone does fear no matter how successful they are. One key thing about how we should handle fear is using it as fuel to motivate us and pushing us even further to learn more. Once we know more about issues triggering fear, it's very natural that we will start to have less fear and self-doubt as we face life in general. Self-doubt and fear interfere with our ability to achieve or set goals. Self-doubt and fear are the voices in our head telling us, "You'll never succeed, so why try?" and "who do you think you are?" Self-doubt and fear are also what make us listen to those voices and decide to give up before we even get started.

While many people experience self-doubt and fear at some point in their lives, they take action anyway. Others remain stuck or are confident in only one area of their life, such as work. They are too afraid to try new things like going back to school, entering new relationships or learning new skills. When we let self-doubt and fear rule our lives, we miss opportunities. We predict and believe that nothing good will happen to us, so we don't try anything new, and refuse to take even low-level risks. This leads us to discount people or situations that could help us reach our goals. While self-doubt and fear can come in different forms and from different sources, we can learn to break through them.

  • Make a list of your fears. Only by admitting that they exist can you seek solutions. Complaining about them will not make the fears go away. It only re-enforces the presence of fear
  • Write down how these fears affect your life. You can’t start a business venture or you can’t even apply for a job because of fear
  • Become aware of the voices in your head and write down those negative messages. This gives you an opportunity to change the message. If the voices are saying you are ugly, then you can build yourself by telling yourself that you are beautiful and there is none like you
  • Start building a support system of friends and eliminate people from your life who foster feelings of negativity. Some people are just too anointed to be negative such that when they come into your presence, all your talk just goes negative by default. Begin to stay away from such. You will suffer no losses than you already are
  • Join a support group of people who have similar issues. A group that has a resolve to rid themselves of the fears, not the ones who want to celebrate the fears
  • Change each negative message to one that is affirming and constructive. Keep affirming to yourself every day until the words become part of you and your vocabulary
  • Read books that help you feel better about yourself. Stay away from unnecessarily sad stories that do not have the good gaining the final victory
  • Be aware of your past, and be willing to let go of it. Remember there is nothing you can do about the past which is already gone but you can certainly do something about today which is within your control
  • List your goals and the actions you need to achieve them. Don’t start worrying about ‘How’ the goals will be achieved but concentrate on ‘What’ you want to achieve and start the journey. You will soon realize that everything is falling in place
  • Take one of those actions every day. Each time you do something that brings you closer to achieving your goals you will feel better about yourself. When fears and self-doubts come back, and they still do, I break through them by using the tools and skills I've learned and now teach. They work

 Don't enjoy being afraid just because you think not taking actions in life keeps you safe from the consequences of failure or ridicule from others. Just know one thing;


Rather than wasting time with fear, you better start dancing with life at its maximum or else life will pass you by and find another dancing partner. And you will always be in the stands of life as a spectator of the change instead of being the change

Rather than wasting time with fear, you better start dancing with life at its maximum or else life will pass you by and find another dancing partner. And you will always be in the stands of life as a spectator of the change instead of being the change

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Worry No More


Erma Bombeck once wrote, “Worry is like a rocking chair: it gives you something to do but never gets you anywhere.” Why should anyone spend valuable time on issues that are beyond one's control? And why worry over spilled milk? You may have lost a job or lost the love of your life! It could be anything but it's time one made up their mind to move forward and start afresh. Therefore, how can one stop worrying?

In this article, I will highlight 4 ways of dealing with worry I found interesting out of the 6 ways illustrated by Amy Morin, in an article written in Psychology Today titled” 6 Ways to Stop Worrying About Things You Can’t Change.

Determine What You Can Control; it is mare foolishness to think you can make the sun never go down and allow nighttime to come. Whether one likes it or not Day and Night will never cease. Generally in life, we may not be in control of what happens to us but we are in control of how we react to what happens to us

Focus on your influence; it is usually to wise to poke into other people’s business in which you have no authority to change or influence anything. One may be accused of trespassing. Let us focus on areas where we have 100% influence to make changes

Identify your fears; everyone is afraid of something like there are many people afraid of death. Well talking about death, it’s a well-known fact that no one will ever get out of life alive! It’s that simple. Some have the fear of failure. Identify your fears and accept them. Accepting your fears is the first step to begin to do something about them in order to move forward in life.

Develop healthy affirmations; worry is usually expressed in words through negative affirmations like “I know things will not work out like the last time”. However, why not develop positive affirmations “ I know things will work out for my good”, “I am blessed” “I will achieve success”, ”I am wonderfully and beautifully created” as the bible says in proverbs “ As Man thinks in his heart so is he”

Stop the Worry culture that is holding you back today

In Their eyes We Looked like Grasshoppers

  WE are so Great as Africans no wonder someone has spent all their energies to convince us that we are nothing. Unfortunately, we have beli...