Saturday, July 31, 2021

In the Shadows

"I decided long ago never to walk in anyone's shadow; if I fail, or if I succeed at least I did as I believe" ~Whitney Houston

What if everything we thought we knew to be true was all wrongs? We pray, we go to church every Sunday and we fast, yet we wallow in poverty and when lucky we live paycheck to paycheck. Our Land is full of mineral wealth yet our currencies are worthless. Our countries are in debt yet our land is host to vast mineral wealth worth a thousand times more than the debt we owe to other nations. We are demeaned every day for the poverty that seems to be in abundance in our communities yet we are sitting on Gold, Copper, Cobalt the list is endless. 

We think we know God and talk to him every day yet he seems not to reveal nothing to us on getting our land out of poverty, how ironic! Yet we seem to know more about demons and their names plus how to get rid of them. We are taught about Angels except they should be white in color yet if you dream of a black angel it must be a demon sent from the devil's bedroom to haunt you.

In the Shadows of those who control the world, we have been hypnotized to slumber and sleepwalk through life with the illusion that we are educated and civilized. We hold the holy books and declare we are free. Free to do what? and freedom from what?

Have we been asleep too long that we have even mistaken the shadow for light? We have been holding the holy books with content already interpreted for us to suit the objective of an enslaving cartel! Hence we believe we know the truth and walk in that truth. The system has even been designed for us to be educated to retire and not to make a life

We have been made to think and believe we walk in the light but have never stopped to think and realize that we have been living in the shadows or else why are we still impoverished even after getting more than educated including getting born again in the chosen religion. 

OH! we have been given the ultimate prize, HEAVEN!. Well nobody goes to heaven alive. Whatever you want to achieve and enjoy can only be done right here on earth in your earthly body with the God-given potential locked inside of you waiting to make you the King or the Queen you were meant to be


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