Friday, June 27, 2014


“Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.”
~Thomas Jefferson

Listen to this story ....

This man gets up every morning, takes his shower, shaves, eats breakfast and climbs down the stairs and boards the bus for a 45 minute ride.  He steps off the bus and feels the beach under his feet. He walks the beach up and down every day all day long looking for the Statue of Liberty.  Low and behold there is no Statue of Liberty.

As night falls, he stretches and looks out over the water to see the Santa Monica pier and turns and spins around to see the "Hollywood" sign.  He boards the bus disappointed again because he did not find the Statue of Liberty. He has been doing this for years. Every day he does the same thing.  

Once again he goes to the Santa Monica pier, much more disappointed than the day before, sits in his chair crying tears of sadness, dismay, frustration. Finally a woman walks up to him and asks him why he is so distraught.  The man tells her every day he comes to the Santa Monica pier to see the Statue of Liberty, but he can never find it. The woman says to him, "No wonder you cannot find it. You are in the wrong State."

The lesson here is even if you are a well-meaning person, if you are in the wrong STATE OF MIND - you will not find what you are looking for.[You must be in the right STATE to achieve anything in life.

Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT!  No matter how large or small, please record it.

SUCCESS leaves clues. Pay attention to the things you have gone through in life, the successes including the setbacks and you will notice a series of hints of success nuggets embedded that you could have taken advantage to achieve something good. BUT guess what? Its never too late to start.


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