Tuesday, June 17, 2014


I know you are now say, who? Me? Are you really talking about me? A business man or woman! Hell No! Yes I am talking about you. I know you might even be fuming inside at me, is this guy trying to ruin my day? Oh No my friend. Just think for a moment, you are buying things every day but don’t you think there is something you are also selling that is bringing in the cash you are using for your expenses?
Am I speaking in Parables?
What are parables or proverbs anyway? Even our Lord Jesus Christ spoke in parables, why? In our African Society, old and young men in history used to gather in designated places called 'Insaka' in my language, these specially built or designated places for gatherings where different kinds of discussion sessions on issues of life and maybe development took place. During such discussion forums, whenever the old men of the day wanted to drive a point which they felt the young men were too young to handle, they always spoke in parables, which is a form of symbolic language only familiar to a certain age group or class. By the way don’t try that old parable scheme with the young ones of today, they will just Google the key word and catch you off guard. The parable paradigm of old times could be attributed to the reasons why the young generation of yester-years probably (note: bearing in mind that I haven’t conducted a statistical analysis with my favorite SPSS program) stayed away from what was deemed illicit behavior in those days until they were old enough to be given the keys of life. But today, the young will see things on the Internet even before you think they are old enough to receive the wisdom and by the time you are unleashing the so called wisdom at the appointed time, they are laughing behind your back.
The question is why do we use parables or proverbs? This is my opinion; parables are used to make the wise even wiser and the foolish even more foolish. Whenever, you want to hide the truth from fools, just use parables to portray a truth.   When Jesus Christ was asked why he continually spoke in parables, he said it was because the Pharisees or the men of God of the old testament times, sort of Ministries Internationals of the time could easily decode the truth and get saved. Therefore, Jesus used parables so that the truth could be hidden from the Pharisees. Of course we don’t need the Old Testament Pharisee type of men of God in the New Testament Kingdom principle hanging on to an Old Testament temple made of brick which has visibly some partitions of the so called holy place and the most holy place and so on etc. Last time I checked, God does not dwell in temples made with the hands of man Heb_9:24, 1Co_3:16,17
My fellow soldiers in life, I do not intend to use parables loosely without clarifying what I am trying to put across to you. I know and do realize that everything I write will be analyzed by your logical or conscious mind. I am fully aware how the conscious mind works. The only problem is that your conscious mind just like everyone else’s, has a very limited scope of reference and to be precise, your conscious mind has only one point of reference which is your past experiences and knowledge. That is the reason why some people are dealing with you based on what you did to them yesterday, last week, last year and so on and they are very forceful about it like “Remember what you did to me last so and so”. The mind always has a tendency to want to keep you safe from what is perceived dangerous based on what you have experienced previously. And new information is usually the victim of your conscious protective mechanism and easily deletes new information that call for change, as it comes. I hope you can give what we are sharing a chance to see if it can try to help you see things in another light. That is the reason why sometimes you fail to take certain actions that the mind considers as risks. Think about that business idea you keep putting off for later, that song that has been bubbling in your heart waiting to be produced all because of the fear of the unknown that can happen.  The common business excuses I hear are like; the Chinese have taken the business or the Rwandees have taken all the business. But wait a minute; are you talking about our friends? With all due respect, you saw them when they came, you saw them when they began to go to Soweto to buy tomato without feeling any shame and sell it to you and you bought ( and by saying this, it’s not my intention to demean our friends because I am aware that most of them had comfortable lives and probably doing better in their native country, but it’s their resolve to rise from the ashes and become an entity to be reckoned with in a foreign country that is admirable). The money they raised they expanded their business. The difference is that they took action to change their circumstances while the majority of us are still complaining about how bad things are in Zambia. A typical Zambian I know, when they get a little out of the ordinary amounts of money, all they do is buy the most expensive asset like a car just to frustrate the neighborhood (just a joke but sometimes it does happen) without any clear thought of how to add value to earn more money.  All that most foreigners had were dreams and determination (of course probably not all of them). You don’t need money to have a dream but you need to have a dream to pursue and resources will follow. Money flows where there is a purpose. ‘You don’t have to be great to get started but you have to get started in order to be great’ does that make sense? In all your dreams you already have at least one resource and that is you. Therefore, the notion that there isn’t wealth in Zambia for anyone willing to create value does not hold water or probably maheu.  
Therefore, as you read this material your brain will be trying to refer to your repository of existing knowledge based on your past experiences, and whatever information is considered foreign or strange, that knowledge will be rejected and filtered out. If your life has been filled with unfortunate events like past failures or failed relationships, the mind will use these same reference points in order not to allow you to take any action today to do something different. More like a computer which keeps blipping error messages whenever it does not have a program to execute a new instruction whose associated program cannot be found in its logic. I beg that you read this with an open mind please. Are you following so far? I know that somebody might be saying but we don’t know where the wealth is and how to get it, the rules or laws on how to tap into the so called hidden wealth? First of all let me be blunt with you like a lawyer would say, Ignorance of the law is not an excuse to commit a crime. The fact that you don’t know how to generate wealth does not make you appetite for food go away. The fact that you have a snake in your house and all you do is complaining about it does not make the snake go away. Sometimes your ignorance may be genuine but before the courts of law that excuse does not fly an inch. Just think about this, here is a good responsible father who hunts an Impala in the protected wild life areas for food for his family because they genuinely need the meal (by law this is called poaching). The wild life agency unfortunately pounces on him and arrests him for poaching what is classified by law as ‘government trophy’ and he is taken before the courts of law for justice. Supposing the poacher tries to play his own smart lawyer in the courts and tries to defend himself by saying to the court, your worship I am being accused of killing an Impala but I also demand to be availed the Impala’s family complaint that I have murdered their child or that their child is missing.  The good man may genuinely believe that wild animals are a gift from God as food for mankind. Guess what! He may not have read the text in the law (probably because he can’t read) that mankind, the world over has since adopted the wild animals as its legal protector. Despite the plea of ignorance, the courts are still obliged to register him for free accommodation under the prison service. By the way, if you are ever in higher courts of laws please use a lawyer they know how to interpret the law, don’t try to be smart.  
Before I get carried away, let me return to my theme ‘Business men and women by default’. But why don’t we know that we are born business people from our early years in life? If you already know that you were born a business person, that’s good, but the majority of the people may obviously plead ignorant. Now before you start blaming yourself, wait and hear what I want to say. It’s not your fault that you don’t know, I also didn’t know but it has been our education system and the role models that we have had that have had an influence throughout our lives. Let’s try this, remember when you were at primary school?(I am hoping you went to primary school) Was you teacher a business person or entrepreneur? Probably like my case the answer is no. what then did you model yourself after in your teacher? Probably becoming a good teacher or worker, and hope to become more educated than the teacher. Let us try secondary school or even College and University education, were the people in front of the chalk board; teachers or lecturers (note: by the way only chalk boards existed in my time) entrepreneurs? I guess not, unless they were doing some part time tuition classes as well. Therefore, throughout our school system we have been trained to be workers in fact good workers who should look for employment after completing the school system and stay in the job until you are retired with the so called full retirement benefits. What our school system has been missing is that we have not been trained to get out of employment and the truth is that outside of employment, we do not have the tools to deal with life and in the process people get stressed out. Why? They do not know how to deal with life without a job that provided a guaranteed income every month. Think about yourself if you are one of the many loyal workers like me, who are you without a job? If you remove a job from your life, what will you become? If you see Zero in your life without a job, that should be a signal to start thinking outside the box.  Even with the Millions or thousands of bucks many retire with, people are unable to add value to it. It becomes a diminishing resource. You can’t blame them, they have been workers all their life and adding value to an income has not been part of the life’s syllabus. Is this making sense? OK let us look at people in formal employment, everyone working whether in the civil service or private company is doing business. How? They are selling a commodity called time. Now the general rule of business (call it common sense if you will) is that when you sell products in large quantities to a big buyer, you will surely sell the products at a reduced cost price. In other words you sell the commodity at wholesale price. This type of contract of sale also ensures your continued mutually beneficial business relationship. What I am saying is that the, working time any worker provides is sold at wholesale price because the organization or company you work for has a cost structure that can only pay so much to maintain operational sustainability. Therefore, that is the reason you get the salary you receive every month. The company you work for is correct; they have prescribed what your duties will be and how much they are willing to pay for the services provide. You can never be rich selling your time because you only have so much time to sell every day, 8 hours to be specific. If you have been hoping to get rich through selling your time, you have been living an illusion and it’s time to work up from the slumber.  I can assure you that you will always be going on strike trying to force the company to make you rich by increasing your pay until they fire you. You only become rich by multiplying your time through developing multiple sources of income. How do you multiply your time? A simple example is investing in a shop (this is just an illustration). Don’t tell me there isn’t any profit in retail business because the last time I checked, our foreign friends are dancing quite a bit in the retail business. That would mean you are working and you also run a shop. Within the eight hours, you are earning your salary at work and your shop is raising an income in the same amount of time space. That is called multiplying your time. Am I saying people must stop work? No, your job has provided you with an opportunity of an income on which you can begin to learn to add value to part of your income that is why the company will even give you a sum of amount at retirement hoping that through your working life you have learnt how to add value to your income (by the way this is what is missing in company policies, i.e. helping employees to prepare for retirement). Your job provides you with an environment where you can identify skills, products and services that the economy requires and hopefully you can capitalize and make a killing out of such, while you are still in employment or when you are out of employment. Your employment is like a school of empowerment where you learn business procedures. Therefore, allow yourself to see opportunities in your current environment, may be you have been sleep walking for too long and you have lost the ability to see what others are seeing. If others are making it, you can also do it. But fear has stood in your way for too long and you have begun to believe it’s a normal way of life. No it isn’t!  Ask yourself, how much talk time do you use per month and what do you use it for? Let us say you buy K10 ($2) of airtime and you really want to give somebody a piece of your mind because you believe they have betrayed you. You use your phone and make a call to your victim and unleash the venom on them. What has happened here is that, you have used K10  ($2) to abuse or react to your perceived enemy. In essence you have just paid for your own insults and probably lost a friend at the same time. You may reconcile with your friend but you will not recover the money.  Supposing you asked your spouse to start selling talk time and simple mathematics has revealed that you use close to K500 ($100) on talk time. Wouldn’t it be empowering to start buying from your newly started in-house dealer? This is just a thought because the entire economy is based on revenue and expenditure and I am simply trying to show you on which side of the economic equation you may be playing more. 

Quote of the day
Success is going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm.
~ Sir Winston Churchill 

With you in Mind

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