Thursday, June 19, 2014



Lessons from the Chinese Bamboo tree!

To be successful is not an accident but a planned phase of anyone’s life. Let us use the Chinese Bamboo tree as an example. This remarkable tree is different from most trees in that it doesn’t grow in the usual fashion. While most trees grow steadily over a period of years, the Chinese bamboo tree doesn’t break through the ground for the first four years. Then, in the fifth year, an amazing thing happens – the tree begins to grow at an astonishing rate. In fact, in a period of just five weeks, a Chinese bamboo tree can grow to a height of 90 feet (the height of a six storey building). It’s almost as if you can actually see the tree growing before your very eyes.     

The question is when does the bamboo tree grow to the height of 90 feet? Is it in five weeks or five years? The answer is obvious; it takes five years because before the bamboo breaks through the ground, it grows and builds its root system deep enough to be able to sustain the full height and weight of the full grown bamboo tree when it shoots out of the ground. Let’s back up a little in this illustration and establish a truth, in a bamboo seed there is a 90 feet bamboo tree already encoded. Are you with me? Therefore, the bamboo seed does not try to become a bamboo tree; it is already a bamboo tree. When the bamboo seed is planted in the soil and the right conditions are present, the seed becomes what it already is, that is the bamboo tree. Are you following? Comparatively, in every maize seed there is a maize plant. Every human being is born with a seed of success. However, humans have a choice whether to become successful or not. Does that make sense? Stay with me on this.

Now, I know that everyone wants to be successful, but like the Chinese bamboo tree in our example, success requires preparation. Before any farmer plants their crop, they prepare the field. Some wise gentleman said it is better to anticipate an opportunity in the future and prepare for it than to have an opportunity come and pass you by because you are not ready. Are you anticipating becoming say a lawyer? All you can do is to go and study law because surely an opportunity for a vacancy for a lawyer will come but what will you do without a law degree? Nothing, but only “wish, would have, could have or should have”. But who does that help? Life puts us through preparation periods, however, many times we ignore the lessons and simply choose to complain or cry about the effects of our so called troubles and for that reason the opportunity for which the lessons were meant for you to learn and grow your roots deep, would pass you by. You may even accuse the devil, but the truth is that you were not just ready (period). In life, whatever you are going through right now no matter how difficult it may be, please think and ask the question, what is the lesson I need to learn in this situation? Look at the sum total of all the things you have gone through in your life both good and bad. Tell me if right now there isn’t any one bad situation you can’t thank God for because of the bigger blessing that came out of it in your life. For some of you, because you were forced to leave the cruelty of an aunty, uncle or cousin from wherever you originally stayed, what might have come out of it could be that you found the love of your life, opportunity or dream job in the town or place you thought you were forced to run and seek refuge from. Do you see how difficulties push us to our destiny? In this article I am not saying you should wait for difficult situations to push you to your destiny, all I am saying is that you should take action consciously towards your desired success. To be successful, you have to begin to see yourself successful, mentally, emotionally and begin to make the necessary changes in your life that are congruent with your desired success even before your current circumstances begin to look like success. In God’s eyes, you have the seed of success already embedded in you. Create the right conditions in the soil of your soul, so that the seed of success can shoot out into your life as success itself.  I know that someone might be asking, but how can I see myself successful when I have never achieved any amount of success in my life before? Well, let me give you an idea, think about someone in your life right now that you know has achieved a certain level of success or wealth that you admire and list down the things, virtues you admire about that person. In writing the things you admire about that person, what you are doing in that moment is actually describing yourself, your true essence. That’s your desire, that’s what you really are made off and want to ultimately become but you are not aware. Don’t confuse admiration with envy please! If you are not aware of success, it will not come. What you think you admire in that person out there is actually inside of you trying to express itself with a strong feeling. How else do you think you are able to identify those virtues in others if that is not already in you? Why do you think you feel something about helping the vulnerable groups and only the lack of money or resources stops you? It’s because it’s part of the blue print of your true self that wants to help. Believe me, you can do something about yourself and achieve your desired level of success that can enable you make the difference in other people’s lives and be fulfilled. 

Life may have thrown you in the darkest wilderness in this world looking after sheep like the story of young David in the Christian Bible and it seems like no one cares about you. Remember, it was in the wilderness where David acquired the skills of war and fought lions and bears defending the sheep as part of his training, unknowingly. These are the skills that David needed to kill Goliath, a significant event that propelled him to ultimately become King of the nation of Israel. Your tough life's moments right now are the propellers you need to your crown of greatness  


With you in mind

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