Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Disruptive Gospel: Confidence

Inaction breeds doubt and fear.  Action breeds confidence and courage.  If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.
~Dale Carnegie

Life has been designed to happen for us and not to us. Life effortless shows up for each one of us not to torment us but as a gift. Everything that has been created under the heavens happens effortlessly. The Rose flower blossoms effortlessly, the birds fly with the least efforts and the grass needs no one’s permission to shoot from the ground effortlessly. Humans grow older every day effortlessly. Therefore, the man was created to grow into wealth and abundance effortlessly by the same divine law. The examples are all over for everyone to see. The poor are working 10 times harder just to scrape a little to merely survive while the rich are effortlessly amassing more wealth. Why not then re-look at how others are achieving things effortlessly. We owe it to ourselves and the generations coming after us

Life does not just happen, but it happens justly for all those who understand the natural laws that govern the universe. If you jump off from a tall building, you will be subject to the law of gravity and if you haven’t taken any precaution you will jump straight to your death in the worst-case scenario for free. If you jump into a body of water like a river or the sea and you do not understand the principle of buoyance you will definitely drown while otherwise learn to cooperate with the water body, float, and swim. Therefore, the fact that life happens for us all, only those who understand the principles of experiencing wealth and prosperity enjoy the abundance that life is loaded with.

Many have grown up with the mindset that there is not enough of everything to go round in life, therefore, they set out to work as hard as they can and compete to get what they can. If all you want is to compete against others, you have a very poor mindset. This, I believe is as the old adage goes ‘No pain, no gain’ right? Wrong! Just Begin to cultivate the idea that everything I need is already here for me to experience with the least effort. You are the supercomputer that God has placed on earth to do exploits effortlessly. You are built with the right firmware to process instructions, divine software to provide the wealth program, and the hardware to act and bring forth the desired output of your life. Of course producing children has been the least effortless action people seem to know even without any kind of tuition. Guess who seems to have more children between the rich and poor? your guess is as good as mine.

The Judaic Bible actually says in Hosea 4: 6 that ‘My people die because of lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children’. I have learned in life that every computer works with information and instructions to carry out a task. No information is also information because the output is nothing. You need to begin to gain information every day for that supercomputer called YOU to begin to produce something in your life. For example, begin by saying to yourself ‘I am living a wealthy and abundant life’. I know that your current mindset based on your current status will try to cry out ‘the hell you do’. But remember you are only declaring the final desired destiny and God will take care of how that is achieved but you must start the journey. This must give you the confidence to act because you don’t even know how you have managed to grow old to where you are right now; the how is God’s business.

When you continuously affirm to yourself wealth and abundance every day, you will begin the process of changing your life’s root programming (in your subconscious) and you will likely start acting in accordance with your affirmation. During this time pay attention to every idea or thought that comes into your mind because God needs your cooperation to achieve your goal. It could be an idea as simple as starting a small business or beginning to write stories or starting a website to promote small businesses the list is endless. Whatever you begin to imagine as you affirm wealth and abundance, begin to add drama to it such as the kind of lifestyle, homes, cars, travel, positive effects on others, charity, etc. create a High Definition (HD) movie of the life you desire where you are the main star in it. Don’t start worrying about whether it's achievable or not, just believe and act in your own small way and know that the great mastermind who specializes in ‘THE HOW’ will eventually make it happen if you do not faint. In all this drama, you are responsible to play your part and provide the action. Don't expect God who created the mountains to come and climb them for you!

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