Thursday, September 7, 2017

Disruptive Gospel Part 3: Forget what other people think

You control your future, your destiny.  What you think about comes about.  By recording your dreams and goals on paper, you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want to be.  Put your future in good hands - your own.
~ Mark Victor Hansen

When we are born in this life, we show up as fine human beings from the Lord's production lines loaded with all possibilities and unlimited potential until the societies we find ourselves in begins to define us into its paradigm of belief systems. This is the point at which we become our tribes, clans, groups etc. If one is born in what is called a collectivist society where the group thinking is the norm and individual dreams are considered secondary, so we become. On the other hand if we find ourselves growing up in an individualistic society where individual goal achieving is the primary norm, so we grow up to become. Its not my place to judge which society is good or bad. The important thing I know is that the Lord allowed each one of the earth's inhabitants to show up with a specific purpose to show forth God's glory. We are born with different talents and attributes not as a source of competitiveness but to complement each other.

There is only one of you on this earth and anyone else trying to be you is an impostor. You are unique and there is none like you. You are the same today, yesterday and forever. Therefore, no one will ever do what you can do and add to this life. If you don't offload what you came with into this life, you will go with it to the grave and will always be a life un-lived and the greatest story untold. There are no limitations in life unless the ones we set for ourselves. People have called you names such as you are not good enough, you are ugly and you will never amount to anything in this life. You have ended up believing this crap, pondered on it, cried your eyes out for free over something that is never truth until you make it come true on your life yourself because you are own prophet. What you believe about your life is what will become. . 

Striving to secure praise and avoid blame is a recipe for disaster. Forget about it! You are your own best barometer. What matters most is what you think. So practice self-reliance; it’s critical. Doubt is simply a distraction. Don’t allow it to permeate your thoughts or influence your judgment. Muzzle the mental noise by leveraging positive thoughts and experiences from your arsenal. Use your mind to your advantage because the confusion prevailing in your mind that weakens your thoughts is the false belief that there is a power or powers outside you greater than the power within you. Everything you want is out there waiting for you to get. Everything you want also wants you. But you have to take action to get it. Don't ask anybody on what you can or cannot do because they cannot know as they have never been you. Begin to dream bigger than big and make that picture plain and clear. Your dream will be an inspiring picture of the future that will energize your mind, will, and emotions, empowering you to do everything you can to achieve it. A genuine dream is a picture and blueprint of a person's purpose and potential waiting to happen.

Stop and listen to the inner guidance. Let everyone else be a liar. You have tried to live by other people's standards such that you have even tried to live by what the education system has defined you to be. Pause and open your eyes and see the opportunities that life has for you. Get out of the routine thought system for it has behaved as a filter to your vision not allowing you to see clearly who you really are supposed to be.

See you in part 4

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