Saturday, September 9, 2017

Disruptive Gospel part 5: Be Bold and Don’t Calculate a Doomsday Scenario in Advance

You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing and falling over.

~Richard Branson 

The philosopher Peter F. Drucker says this about building a leader and I quote “Leadership is not magnetic personality — that can just as well be a glib tongue. It is not ‘making friends and influencing people’ — that is flattery. Leadership is lifting a person’s vision to high sights, the raising of a person’s performance to a higher standard, the building of a personality beyond its normal limitations”

Every man and woman was born a leader of their own destiny because everything we see and experience all fall within our different realms of perceptions and focus. No two people will ever go through the same experience in the exact same manner. Therefore, what each one experiences is a setup from God, knowing beforehand that God has already invested sufficient resources in the person to overcome whatever, challenges lay ahead. This is the confidence that we all should have that any battle I can face, I already have enough armour resident in me to win.

Nature has shown us this phenomenon which can be referred to as the principle of least resistance. When one plants seeds of maize in the ground, we do not doubt that the soil in which the seed is planted will give way to the growing plant with least resistance. When a woman conceives she will not do anything to make the baby grow with human aspects and parts because everything has already been programmed in the seed to be achieved. Humans play no part in ensuring that a baby in the womb has the head, hands legs etc. because all these parts are already designed to form effortlessly in accordance with the divine law.

Learning from the foregoing, the ability for the success you require to achieve is already invested in you, way before you were born. The only reason everything seem not to be working is that you are trying to figure out how to do it. People have told you that you can’t and you have believed them or there are no mentors around you who also don’t know that they don’t know that they need to succeed beyond the norm of the society you live in. Sometimes you want to be sure it can be done. Martin Luther King Jr. puts it perfectly that you don’t have to see the entire stairway to get started. The only thing a child who is trying to learn to walk needs is simply to see others walking and the child will not be afraid to get started without following any specific rules. No matter how many times the child falls and cries they never stop trying until they begin to walk and run. You are no different. If you are able to read this, then I know that you will keep on trying and failure is not final for you.

The only thing you need to know whether you are in Africa, America, Asia or Europe is just to see the evidence that others have been successful and started their own business. It does not matter how hard people may say it is to do it, just be bold. It is true that you will fall along the way but no matter how many times you fall, rise up and keep trying until you win. What’s the worst thing that can happen when you stick out your neck? Someone says no or the situation doesn’t work out as planned. The best thing that could happen, however, is that you become wildly successful. So why not give yourself an opportunity to win? Take more chances. But don’t calculate a doomsday scenario in advance. The odds are in your favour. Remember: When you play it overly safe, you miss incredible opportunities that were ripe for the picking. Open your eyes to the universe of all possibilities.

 See you part 6

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