Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Disruptive Gospel Part 2: Get Uncomfortable of being Comfortable

Worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you anywhere

While it has felt so good to be found in the churches worshiping the almighty God, praising, thanking and asking for His grace, it is strange that the people who have been asking seem not to have been receiving. I believe that the act of receiving must be understood in its context. Three phases are clear in the process of creation namely conception or word (idea), speaking the word and action. When one phase is missing creation is never present. You can conceive an idea but without action it will remain a pipe dream. When you also act without a defined goal, you are simply shooting in the dark that produces nothing. Anyone can flap their hands in water and can swim but only those who have prepared for a swimming contest mentally and physically win swimming contests. Don't sing your problems but sing yourself into destiny with appropriate action. Whatever you don't want in your life, don't talk about it. Talk about the good things in your life  

The problem with the believer who is supposedly the inheritor of God's blessing, is that they pray, praise and worship but they never act towards their destiny. And because the expected blessings take too long to show up in their lives, the believer's songs become full of worry, fear and complaints. Alas! believers have suffered the full consequences of the fears and complaints in the songs they sing so passionately. This is because whatever one pays attention to expands in one's life because of the life's energy we invest in it. It is time to challenge the status quo that has not produced tangible results so far and disrupt it with a new mindset. People have resigned themselves to being comfortable with the status quo. Believers associate wealth to evil and forget that its God who is the owner of all wealth. Therefore, whatever they don't understand they paint it black.

Disruptive gospel requires that you get uncomfortable with the way things are in your life. Why should you accept to be average when you can be extra-ordinary. You are your only real competition, so choose to step outside of your comfort zone and conquer any weaknesses. Get into the habit of raising your standards and expectations by challenging yourself to do more and better. There is no School where students never graduate into some higher level of some sort. such a school is a danger to society. Even a Christian needs to graduate into the end game of the message and that is to prosper above all things.

Get yourself out of the clouds and put your fit firmly on the ground and change the world around you as it has been waiting for your to fashion itself in the form you give it 

See you in part 3   

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