Friday, January 18, 2019

Sometimes it’s better to keep your mouth shut and your ears wide open

"There are three Choices in Life: GIVE UP, GIVE IN or GIVE IT YOUR ALL"

Life has taught all of us that even before we were let loose into life to make our own individual decisions, our parents first allowed us to learn the rules of engagement in this game of life either through formal education or traditional value systems. If you asked any great and wise man or woman, they will certainly tell of how they first learned to listen before they became who they are. The beauty about this God-given life is that every human being is a divine creation machine such that when programmed with a life-changing and altering program, it never fails to produce life-changing results. I am sure that everyone who is reading this right now knows that a computer program is simply a set of instructions that tells the computer and all its devices what to do. Moreover, as the science goes, the computer produces information from processing the input data. Therefore, garbage in, garbage out. With that said, check out the output in your life. If you don’t like what you are seeing, don’t try to change the result but endeavor to change the input data in your life. Remember that nobody vomits a pig that they have not eaten. If you are vomiting pig meat, then you ate pig meat it’s that simple

Living a fruitful life is living it with meaning. However, finding that meaning is a lifelong journey and along the way, you will need words of wisdom as input into your divine program that will guide you and your body devices through the right path and actions. Your divine program is hungry for keywords that will fire you up to overcome the struggles that come along with what life has to offer you.  When you look around, you may see life as being unfair because some people become rich while others seek desperate means just to scrape through the day. What’s the difference? It’s simply what they are taking in and doing every day in their lives. Well, If you are blessed enough to be given the gift of a wonderful life, be thankful for it. If in any case fate has dealt you with a cruel hand, do not falter. Life is a mixed bag. One that is filled with many surprises.  

Today may be rough but tomorrow remains a mystery until you do something today to change what lies ahead. Therefore, make each day worth living for the next by making the best use of what you already have, which is yourself. Every day, say something to yourself that inspires you to take positive action without fear of what you need to have in life. Do not use lack of money as the excuse for your inaction, money follows a purpose. What you need as capital is you and all your faculties (thinking etc.). Do not replace thinking with prayer. These are two different things. Ideas only come to those who spend time in thinking

This is the reason God does not produce chairs because He has already given us the ‘TREES’. It’s up to how far your thinking and imagination can take you. What you see is what get. What you worry about will eventually get to you like rich "JOB" of the Christian Bible is reported to have lamented in  Job 3: 25. Therefore, flush out fear and all its accessories from your life's program before they became a reality you live to dread. In its place, fill your imagination with a beautiful full of life's desired goodies. Save money for investments and not just as a precautionary measure in case of sickness or funeral because what you plan for, you will attract into your life. Plan for great and beautiful things and let them fill your life

Choose to acquire wisdom Today

Monday, January 14, 2019

Morning is Wiser than the Evening

"This is Russian proverb speaks deep truths"

Holding on to ones' sacred truths may not be a bad idea at all. But! and I repeat But! truth can be relative to the time, season and place maybe even prevailing consciousness. At one time in the history of technology, we all believed photographic pictures both monochrome and full color needed a darkroom to develop otherwise the negative wouldn't produce the clear picture. Several religious principles were even paralleled to the "dark room" idea to demonstrate how every negative event of one's life can only be developed into a beautiful outcome through the darkroom of life's struggles just like the photo development darkroom of 'Polaroid' era. The digital era pushed the idea of the darkroom out of reality or textbooks and no darkroom is today required to produce a digital picture and all you need is a digital printer. 

Was the darkroom principle of yesterday wrong?  No! it was true and wise at the time but the digital principle of the following morning has become even wiser. Look at today, every simple cell phone is a digital machine that anyone can use do anything cheaply and quickly relating to pictures. In my African culture, stories are told of how designated messengers were sent to broadcast important information by word of mouth from village to village shouting their lungs out to pass the message across while today, WhatsApp can do that even better, wider and faster than fast at a click of a button. 

What is the point? The reason why most people cannot move forward is that they are still stuck to the lie of yesterday when they were told they can't achieve anything in life or that they are not good enough, pretty enough or intelligent enough. Was that information correct? probably Yes, Why? because physically there was no evidence at the time that could prove otherwise. But today is another day where you can make a different choice and make the impossible possible, where you can let your digital version bring anything into existence with least effort if only you can believe that nothing is impossible for you based on the divine design of you being created in the image and likeness of God. Your imagination is your digital platform capable of creating anything which when you believe it and own it in your heart, it becomes yours by divine law. Just how the grass does not struggle to grow..

Even Religion has twisted the truth to keep you in 'Analog mode' to make you believe it takes a lifetime to get results of a better life and that you need a DAC or 'Analog-to-digital converter device' an intermediary in your life in order to get things happening. And just guess who you need to pay for blessings to begin to flow! Well! I leave that to your wild imagination to get the answer. The fact is that Even the great Jewish Messiah Jesus Christ is reported to have said to those seeking healing that according to thy faith so be it. What can I say to make you believe that you are the great-one that today has been waiting for? Just think about it, whether you are male or female and you want children. Where do they come from? do you buy them from a supermarket? No! Just refer to your magnificent biology and say WOW!

You are the great creator containing your ideal world (Your Eden) that you were sent to create on this wonderful earth. You are amazing, who is wonderfully and beautifully made for success by default in this life. Everything you need is inside you and nowhere else. Don't let anyone change this divine default setting. Believe me, it works to trust the divine law not man's law


Thursday, January 10, 2019

Let Go, To GROW

"Don't be Upset When People Reject You. Nice Things are Rejected all the Time by People Who can't AFFORD THEM"

The past years and yesterdays have gone with all the pains, joys, love, hate, triumphs, failures and above all with all the opportunities that should have been. Don't cry and don't be excited about it. Yesterday is gone and Today is here for you. You can't change the past but you can surely change the future

Don't worry about the people who did not like you last year because put simply, they just don't have good taste because you are priceless. As you proceed in this new year, remember that you don't necessarily have to think about what should happen in a month or what should happen in a year but your strategy should be to focus on the 24 hrs in front of you and do what you can to get closer to where you want to be every minute that passes. 

The road ahead of you may not look easy, the tasks may look insurmountable but just know that easy roads may not lead anywhere and seemingly difficult roads can lead you to your treasure. People will hurt you so bad that you want to kill yourself. Dark clouds may seem to find pleasure in every corner of your view, but one thing is clear your light is hidden in the darkness, go get it. Your goal is not to be better than anyone else but to be better than you were yesterday. Therefore, you have no competitor. Don't waste time on the "I WISH" talk but jump on the "I WILL" talk because everyone else is wishing for something beautiful sadly while on a rocking chair. Do not focus on trying to change people because some people don't change by default. Therefore, focus your energy on changing yourself in readiness for the next best version of you. remember that formal education may help you make a living but personal education can make you a 'life'. If you are in formal employment make use of the time away from work as your prime time for building your dream life. Just know that you can be retired from formal employment but you will never retire from life.

The fact that you are here today means the divine providence still has some goodies for you to get and be confident that God is on your side. Don't be available for everyone but let them miss you because sometimes when you are always available, people will take your presence for granted thinking you will always stick around. But you are on a mission to greatness and it is urgent for your posterity, therefore, don't allow anyone to delay or eat up your time. YOUR TIME IS YOUR LIFE  

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Born to be different

"I Breath in My Courage and Exhale my Fear"

I have learned in life that it is okay to be scared because when one is scared it means that you are about to do something really brave. Life looks like a layer of thick soil above you that cannot be penetrated and it feels impossible to break through. But think of yourself like you are a seed of maize buried in the fertile soil. The maize seed does not waste time to worry about the soil above it because it is aware that the creator engineered within the seed a divine program of breaking through with the least resistance. The seed will germinate and break through the ground out effortlessly. The ground gives way to the germinating maize with pleasure while nourishing the seed with all that is needed to get the job done.

Face the new year with this perspective, this new year is just a thick layer replete with all your blessings, opportunities and everything God designed for you to be the best version of yourself. The version that blesses everything you touch into Gold. Therefore, this year you have come to get everything they said you couldn't have.  No matter the situation, you should never let your emotions overpower your intelligence. This year, just follow your heart and invest in your purpose for living because you should know that people with a purpose, goals, and visions have no time for drama, they invest their energies in creativity and focus on living a positive life. Your failures of yesterday were designed as part of your winning strategy and the lessons learned were your fuel for success. 

In this new year, remember who you are, the child of the King of Kings. You will hear a lot of noises along the way but remember that a Lion does not turn when a dog barks. Do not let the world change your name to VICTIM. You are God's best-kept secret and you are AMAZINGLY different. Do not try to imitate anybody else or you end up a photocopy which has no value. You Are the Original

Be joyful and keep moving forward and give to the new year your best shot. Above all keep learning and never give in to age.

To your Success this Easter!

In Their eyes We Looked like Grasshoppers

  WE are so Great as Africans no wonder someone has spent all their energies to convince us that we are nothing. Unfortunately, we have beli...