Monday, January 14, 2019

Morning is Wiser than the Evening

"This is Russian proverb speaks deep truths"

Holding on to ones' sacred truths may not be a bad idea at all. But! and I repeat But! truth can be relative to the time, season and place maybe even prevailing consciousness. At one time in the history of technology, we all believed photographic pictures both monochrome and full color needed a darkroom to develop otherwise the negative wouldn't produce the clear picture. Several religious principles were even paralleled to the "dark room" idea to demonstrate how every negative event of one's life can only be developed into a beautiful outcome through the darkroom of life's struggles just like the photo development darkroom of 'Polaroid' era. The digital era pushed the idea of the darkroom out of reality or textbooks and no darkroom is today required to produce a digital picture and all you need is a digital printer. 

Was the darkroom principle of yesterday wrong?  No! it was true and wise at the time but the digital principle of the following morning has become even wiser. Look at today, every simple cell phone is a digital machine that anyone can use do anything cheaply and quickly relating to pictures. In my African culture, stories are told of how designated messengers were sent to broadcast important information by word of mouth from village to village shouting their lungs out to pass the message across while today, WhatsApp can do that even better, wider and faster than fast at a click of a button. 

What is the point? The reason why most people cannot move forward is that they are still stuck to the lie of yesterday when they were told they can't achieve anything in life or that they are not good enough, pretty enough or intelligent enough. Was that information correct? probably Yes, Why? because physically there was no evidence at the time that could prove otherwise. But today is another day where you can make a different choice and make the impossible possible, where you can let your digital version bring anything into existence with least effort if only you can believe that nothing is impossible for you based on the divine design of you being created in the image and likeness of God. Your imagination is your digital platform capable of creating anything which when you believe it and own it in your heart, it becomes yours by divine law. Just how the grass does not struggle to grow..

Even Religion has twisted the truth to keep you in 'Analog mode' to make you believe it takes a lifetime to get results of a better life and that you need a DAC or 'Analog-to-digital converter device' an intermediary in your life in order to get things happening. And just guess who you need to pay for blessings to begin to flow! Well! I leave that to your wild imagination to get the answer. The fact is that Even the great Jewish Messiah Jesus Christ is reported to have said to those seeking healing that according to thy faith so be it. What can I say to make you believe that you are the great-one that today has been waiting for? Just think about it, whether you are male or female and you want children. Where do they come from? do you buy them from a supermarket? No! Just refer to your magnificent biology and say WOW!

You are the great creator containing your ideal world (Your Eden) that you were sent to create on this wonderful earth. You are amazing, who is wonderfully and beautifully made for success by default in this life. Everything you need is inside you and nowhere else. Don't let anyone change this divine default setting. Believe me, it works to trust the divine law not man's law


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