Friday, January 18, 2019

Sometimes it’s better to keep your mouth shut and your ears wide open

"There are three Choices in Life: GIVE UP, GIVE IN or GIVE IT YOUR ALL"

Life has taught all of us that even before we were let loose into life to make our own individual decisions, our parents first allowed us to learn the rules of engagement in this game of life either through formal education or traditional value systems. If you asked any great and wise man or woman, they will certainly tell of how they first learned to listen before they became who they are. The beauty about this God-given life is that every human being is a divine creation machine such that when programmed with a life-changing and altering program, it never fails to produce life-changing results. I am sure that everyone who is reading this right now knows that a computer program is simply a set of instructions that tells the computer and all its devices what to do. Moreover, as the science goes, the computer produces information from processing the input data. Therefore, garbage in, garbage out. With that said, check out the output in your life. If you don’t like what you are seeing, don’t try to change the result but endeavor to change the input data in your life. Remember that nobody vomits a pig that they have not eaten. If you are vomiting pig meat, then you ate pig meat it’s that simple

Living a fruitful life is living it with meaning. However, finding that meaning is a lifelong journey and along the way, you will need words of wisdom as input into your divine program that will guide you and your body devices through the right path and actions. Your divine program is hungry for keywords that will fire you up to overcome the struggles that come along with what life has to offer you.  When you look around, you may see life as being unfair because some people become rich while others seek desperate means just to scrape through the day. What’s the difference? It’s simply what they are taking in and doing every day in their lives. Well, If you are blessed enough to be given the gift of a wonderful life, be thankful for it. If in any case fate has dealt you with a cruel hand, do not falter. Life is a mixed bag. One that is filled with many surprises.  

Today may be rough but tomorrow remains a mystery until you do something today to change what lies ahead. Therefore, make each day worth living for the next by making the best use of what you already have, which is yourself. Every day, say something to yourself that inspires you to take positive action without fear of what you need to have in life. Do not use lack of money as the excuse for your inaction, money follows a purpose. What you need as capital is you and all your faculties (thinking etc.). Do not replace thinking with prayer. These are two different things. Ideas only come to those who spend time in thinking

This is the reason God does not produce chairs because He has already given us the ‘TREES’. It’s up to how far your thinking and imagination can take you. What you see is what get. What you worry about will eventually get to you like rich "JOB" of the Christian Bible is reported to have lamented in  Job 3: 25. Therefore, flush out fear and all its accessories from your life's program before they became a reality you live to dread. In its place, fill your imagination with a beautiful full of life's desired goodies. Save money for investments and not just as a precautionary measure in case of sickness or funeral because what you plan for, you will attract into your life. Plan for great and beautiful things and let them fill your life

Choose to acquire wisdom Today

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