Monday, August 24, 2020

Prophecy Confirmation?

When Intelligence, Logic and inspiration all put together go to sleep, people begin to rely on religious prophecy confirmation for a way out” ~ Bright Mulenga

I hear and read in some sections of the media on supposed prophecy confirmations of who has died as predicted by Prophet X or which disease has shown up as prophesied by Prophet Y the list is becoming endless.  What is the point of knowing an impending death or advent of a disease when you can’t even stop it from happening? When are we going to start hearing prophecy confirmations on novel products or inventions as Prophesied by Prophet Z who also gave the formula as provided by Heaven (the source). In simple language, who shall we send into the heavenly realms and shall return with the good news that changes people’s lives spiritually, socially, and economically, and not just return with the now out-of-date noise of you shall all prosper even when they know deep down that its old news. Are we sending Ravens to check out the land who never return but keep the dead spoils for their tummies or we do not have the Doves to send that can return with samples of fresh pieces of green plants that can give us the needed hope and assurance that our destiny is readily awaiting our arrival? Assuming we are working on our way there (Destiny)!

There is no victory without a battle and there is no winner without a race. When there is a prophecy of a good life ahead for you, then you must know that there is a battle in-between to be fought to get to your good life state. God promised Abraham a nation of Israel as we know it today, but the children of Jacob (Israel) were peasant farmers and illiterates. In my view, God could not build a powerful economically prosperous nation with a bunch of illiterates. Therefore, God sent the children of Israel to the University of Egypt to transform them into the required professions and skills that can build a prosperous nation and also that they can know God who they can write about when they learn to write. What we have read as the period of slavery regarding the children of Israel in Egypt under a cruel pharaoh was basically a period of transformation of peasant farmers into educated and experienced national builders. The Israelites learned how to be innovative as can be read from the Bible (Exodus 5:7, 8) when they were commanded to make bricks without being supplied with the required straw as part of harsh punishment which figuratively means completing a task without adequate resources in record time. When the children of Israel had built enough capacities within themselves in all areas of development, mathematics, architecture, administration plus many other skills, they were now ready to build their nation and God could send someone who was a trained leader to lead them out of Egypt. If you are waiting for God to bring you a bed of roses for you to sleep on and hope to wake up on the good side of things! Think again because a bed of thorns await you to keep you awake and constantly rising up to get you to do some stuff that will build you.  If you think God will come and talk to you nicely about how to get you to your desired destination! Think again because persecution is on its way to get you started on the journey. Whatever prophesy you may hear and want to dance about, ask yourself a question what does it have to do with my destiny?

The moral of the story is that where ever you are starting your career or profession from is your Egypt designed to bring out a certain aspect out of you that is necessary for your desired destiny. The brutality of your Egypt will depend on the magnitude of your desired destiny. Remember, God cannot build a strong and prosperous nation with a bunch of illiterates who cannot even count a Billion. When those supervising over you are demanding what you perceive as unfair outputs under limited resources, remember Israel in Egypt and that it is not about you but about bringing out the great innovator locked inside you for your destiny. Making Sense?

Look! Somebody has correctly prophesied to you that you are going to be prosperous, right? But, what do you do? You begin to spend time on your mountain of prayer to force God to make it happen for you including fasting for faster results. Let me ask you a question. If God is supposed to do it for you, then what are your legs, hands, eyes, and brain that you are keeping for? How lazy believers can be! I am glad God hid the ‘Auto button’ that can make things happen on their own. Like anyone can just press a button and become a qualified engineer without going into any form of school. Oh! Foolish Galatians who has bewitched you? The Apostle Paul once wrote Gal 3:1. You cannot prosper just because someone has instructed you to beat the devil out of the dust or where ever they say he is hiding. If you needed my opinion, I would say the devil is having a field day knowing ignorance is the only thing killing you and you have no idea.

Don't wait for the future, just start off, it will meet you on the way. Whatever you are experiencing at the moment, its well within the measure of your destiny. Hence, don't despise or lament but thank God and be grateful. You are the Master of your own destiny and how much you get out of life depends on you.


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