Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Dealing with Negative People

“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.”
~ Maya Angelou

Do you stop to think that wherever you are can be the best springboard for your greatest come back in life. I know that probably in most of the associations and company of groups of people you find are firmly dissolved in Gossip, Complaining, Bitterness and Negativity the list goes on and on. I am guessing most of you are nodding your heads. The point is, the vast majority of humanity is stuck on this level of consciousness where they think complaining and blaming others is equivalent to doing something about life. It’s the level of the media. As you may be aware the media has become more efficient at exploding negative news because that is what sells the papers. It’s the level of most conversations. It’s the level of mediocrity. And this very same level keeps people exactly where they are. Simply put ‘Armchair Critics’

People have become carries of negative news from place to place and infecting anyone they come into contact with. It seems  the easiest thing they can do. You and I are constantly flooded with negativity to the point of thinking there is no safe place in life any more. It seems everyone knows exactly what they don’t want but they can’t seem to figure out what they really want and pursue their dream. Unfortunately, that’s where most of us leave it. Why not change the ‘I don’t want to be broke’ to ‘I will be successful no matter what’. Expressing What you want Motivates you. What you don’t want make you feel inadequate and unworthy

As you take on the journey to find your true passion in life, I realize that the majority of people you will meet are negative oriented trying to fill you in on the latest negative gossip. The best you can do is to know how to deal with such. Remember negative information will always invoke negative emotions which is not good for you and me.

Let me share with you this story, attributed to Socrates, on how to handle negative people. The story goes;
One day, a man rushed up to Socrates, saying, I have some news to tell you!
Socrates put up his hand to stop the excited man.
First let me ask you three questions, Socrates said.
Ah, er, okay, said the man.
Is the news you are about to tell me something you personally know to be true?
Well, no, replied the man. I heard it from a good source, though.
Then let’s go to the second question, Socrates said. Is the news you want to tell me about someone you know personally?
Well, no, the man said. But I think you know the person.
I see, said Socrates. Then let me ask you my final question. Is this news positive or negative?
Well, its negative.
Let me see, said the wise Socrates. You want to tell me some news that you don’t know personally to be true, about someone you don’t know at all, and that is negative.
Well, it sounds bad when you put it like that.
I think I will pass, Socrates said.

It’s about time you stopped people to come with the “Have you heard” garbage. Personally I hate bad news and I want someone to give me the good news of the bad news so that I can react to the good part.

Watch out for the Negative news Carriers! Viruses 

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