Friday, August 1, 2014

Learn To Say NO! Even IF ..

"A great burden was lifted from my shoulders the day I realized that no one owes me anything."~ Harry Browne

I know that it is by all human standards a good virtue to render selfless sacrifice for other people in need. It always feels good to help others and to see the smile that flashes on the faces of other because of the good deed. But it is above all the greatest virtue to think about your self and render to yourself the best. If you cannot give yourself the best, how else can you give others the best. One of the flight safety instructions flight passengers on both domestic and international flights are given in the event of flight air decompression is how to put on the oxygen mask. Passengers are advised to put on the oxygen mask first before they render help to others who may be struggling to wear the oxygen mask. Why? I think it is plain simple, you are of much help alive than dead. If you don't look after yourself properly, it becomes evident that you cannot be of significant help to others in need.

What I am saying to you is that you may spend all your life trying to please everyone else in life and realise too late that you have not lived your own life. The fear of saying 'No' to others even when you know that it will hurt your well being makes you to slave to save your self from nothing. 

The Golden rule in your life should be, Love and pamper yourself in the best of all ways,  can you then be able to give others the best. The best you give to yourself would be the best you want others to have. In the process you will discover how to help others also to help themselves in the best of ways. your attitude towards yourself would be the attitude towards others. You can try as much as possible to fake a smile but the truth in your will prevail.

I am not talking about Greed, which is selfishness to the extent where you don't want others to have what you cannot have first. I am talking about empathetic Love that wants others even to have more. the love that wants to liberate others and not enslave others.

There are people who just want you to do things for them and not for yourself. They desire all your time and you are left with nothing for yourself. Learn to Say No Even if it hurts to do so. You are of much help healthy and sound mind than

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