Monday, August 18, 2014

Pursue Your Happy Life!

It’s a new week and the good news is that life is not ending today or tomorrow but when you wake up tomorrow life will be there to say good morning. Isn’t that wonderful? You weigh the odds of life and you keep wondering how you are going to get through what lies before you. I have some good news for you. There isn't a person alive that hasn't had to overcome distresses in their lives. Those that achieve success take the hits, get back up, and continue on their journeys. Their secret is that they've persisted in taking the steps in their plans until they reached the level of success that they desired. They've built, and maintained, their stamina by building their desires to a level where the flame couldn't be extinguished.

After a while, life gives way to those that keep going. That's the "secret" to your success that's been right in front of you... if you keep moving toward it. What then can you do for you to find your own space in life? Consider the following

Find your passion - When you were in your youth, what activities did you do well, with little or no effort? When you were in school or college, what classes did you take that you found particularly interesting? What talents have you found by pursuing your hobbies? What makes you feel good when you're taking part in it? Your level of passion is critical to maintain the drive you'll need to keep moving forward.

Plan your path - I don't know of anyone that achieved any level of success in their desired field that didn't have a plan of the path that they'd take to get there. At the very least, they knew where they wanted to go. The plan you develop will keep your destination in sight when life places the inevitable obstacles and detours in front of you.

Take a step forward each day - This is especially true if it seems that you're taking two steps back. The true test of your dedication will be how many times will you take even a small step forward each day. If all you can muster is reading a page of an uplifting book or a biography of someone you admire, then do it. Can you make another phone call or knock on another door even though you've done these same actions 100 times?

“Remember, You cannot go through a wilderness without a map”

Thumbs up to your Happiness

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