Saturday, November 14, 2015

Gateway to a GREAT Life

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more.  It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity.  It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.
~Melody Beattie
"Dissolve" is an interesting word. Ingredients dissolve in hot water to make a gelatin dessert. Rain slowly dissolves a stone mountain until, eons later, the mountain is a mere hillock

You can dissolve yourself into something great called ‘Gratitude’. You can become greatness itself by allowing your personality to diffuse into something bigger than yourself. God is love and gratitude is an ingredient of love. Therein is greater happiness for yourself and your world. Gratitude allows you to fall in love with the present moment because you accept it as in what it is. You do not complain of what is not there but you are thankful for what you have received. Ungrateful people are very miserable people.

The greatest prayer that Jesus Christ prayed was the prayer of gratitude. Gratitude multiplied five loaves of bread and two fishes to feed five thousand hungry men. The prayer of gratitude raised Lazarus from the dead after a four day stint in the belly of the cave.

Gratitude is a wonderful thing, but we seem to struggle to harness its power. How often do you really think about how many blessings you have in your life? Even if you are struggling in one particular area of your life, you are likely still very blessed in a variety of other areas. Take some time to really think about that.

Now, how can you go about using the power of gratitude to improve yourself and/or your businesses? It really goes back to the Law of Attraction. What you think about will manifest. Actively and purposefully looking for opportunities to be grateful, pay it forward, be compassionate, remember  all of these things multiply and come back to you. Often, the greatest gift is sending it out and not waiting for the boomerang effect.

If you can't remember the last time you appreciated someone in your life, do it as soon as possible. Call them out of the blue, pay a surprise visit, do whatever you can to make it as personal as possible. People remember compliments and gestures of kindness and re-live them in their minds again and again - sometimes for the rest of their lives. What a gift! Speaking of gifts, this is OK, but I suggest  verbalizing your appreciation instead of just buying them something. It is far more personal because it is harder to do. The person receiving the appreciation from you knows that as well and will value your words far more than a material item.

When you see someone with something beautiful like a new dress, new car or new house, don't despise but just thank God for them and pray that God gives them even more wonderful things. Whatever you despise, you will never have. Just know that when you make it happen for others, you are making it happen for yourself. If you hate the rich, you will never be rich. 

You cannot kill the rich in order to make the poor rich. Gratitude is the gateway to a great life of fulfillment. A smile of a gracious person always spreads out across the face like a beautiful butterfly

Be Grateful for everything happening in your life good or bad and see how the rough cast of trouble begin to turn into sparkling diamond.

Be blessed

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