Friday, November 6, 2015

Just FLY and GROW your WINGS on your Way UP

Your PURPOSE explains what you are doing with your life. Your VISION explains how you are living your purpose.  You GOALS enable you to realize your vision. 
~Bob Proctor

Its more common than not to hear many people including myself saying I will try to do this or that next time or next year. It feels good to put off an event or action that seem to be challenging your abilities beyond what you current mental constructions are able to cope with.

Image result for flying man picturesEvery time a good idea comes into your mind, it is always crowded with some extra energy, extra cost and extra effort required to get through with it. Unfortunately when the call to do extraordinary things come our way, we try to dig for every available excuse by all means to justify why we can’t venture into action at that moment. The usual result is that we end up regretting as we see other people getting started and succeeding with the same idea we just put off just a few days or weeks even months ago. I ask myself the question, how did the golden idea get out and end up with another person who eventually actualizes it and becomes successful? This is what happens; when an idea comes to you, it has come for you to manifest it into reality of form and this could be because you were thinking and believing for a million dollar idea to show up for your use. True to God’s promise, He brings the idea into you consciousness. However, when the idea comes, you are not ready. Put simply, all ideas are like energy in motion at a certain frequency. If you do not take advantage of it while you are in that frequency of thought, another person whose thought pattern is at the same frequency will pick up the idea and lo and behold they run with it and succeed while you watch with your hands full of good excuses. In life you can be somebody who watch things happen or somebody who waits for things to happen or you can be somebody who makes things happen. The choice is yours!\

 There is a story in the Christian Bible of 2Kings 7:1-10. The nation of Israel as told in these scriptures was besieged by the Syrian army. The people were locked within the walls of the city such that nothing was going in and out of the city of Samaria. The siege resulted in the city running out of food supplies to an extent where people started eating each other’s children in order to survive. The Syrian army camped outside the city walls and had plenty of food while the people in the besieged city were starving. The children of Israel locked within the walls of the city with no food and fear had gripped them. Here is a scenario where a group of blessed people locked in by fear. Because of fear, none of the children of Israel dared to show their face outside the walls of the city where the food was for fear of the enemy. When you are hanging around a group of scared individuals, you will always start eating each other’s children, meaning you will be killing each other’s dreams and goals. Scared people always discourage each other from attempting anything new that can make anyone amongst them unique or stand out. Talk about any business idea to a bunch of scared folks and you will hear about how many failed businesses they will through at your face just to convince you that you cannot make it. May be you have been wondering why your life has not taken off yet, just look at the people surrounding you and what you have been talking about. 

In the midst of the city of Samaria a prophet by the name of Elisha stood amongst the children and proclaims victory that things will be better tomorrow and food will be cheaper at the gates of Samaria. However, none of the people in the city believed the message and was willing to take the risk to go and be the agent of the success proclaimed by the prophet. The Israelis still chose to remain within the walls of the besieged city. Its only four (4) lappers who were outside the city also affected by hanger, that decided that enough was enough and unless they did something they were going to starve. The Bible records that the lappers started off towards the enemy camp where the food was and of course as the story goes, God delivered food and valuable items into their hands. How the enemy fled and left everything behind is another story for another day. Anyway, one thing is clear, the lappers didn’t care whether the Syrian army had guns or nuclear weapons, or they knew was that they wanted food and the enemy camp was the store house of food at the time. The moral of the story is that many times the people who are seen to be successful are no better than you are. In essence we can call the people who are succeeding in a way considered as lappers in comparison to you who has judged yourself as being smart but very inactive. The only difference is that while you have spent your whole life calculating the risks in life, they have gone ahead and taken the risk. Just like flying and growing the wings on the way up. You have spent your life getting ready to be ready while they have taken steps and jumped into action. You may have been considering the business world as enemy ground and very difficult to penetrate. But think about it; that is where the money is. When you refer back to the Bible, God promised the children of Israel the promised land of Canaan, the land of milk and honey but the land of Canaan was not empty. There were people already living in that land. They were required to go and fight to possess Canaan. You have a promise of financial prosperity over your life but alas the money is being held by other people in the bank. You need to rise from your slumber and fight for your money innovatively for the money transfer to be initiated. money will never rain in your pocket. Action is required
May be it’s the leader or role model you have been following that is your main hindrance. A great king is not the one with the most subjects but is the one who leads the most subjects to royalty. Just like a good teacher is not the one with the most knowledge but the one who makes the most students with more knowledge. It may not be the lack of faith that is destroying your life but the lack of knowledge. The creator has given each one of us the power of creativity through the faculty of imagination. Whatever you can dream, you can build it. Anything you can dream through the power of imagination, just know that you have been wired with the ability to achieve it otherwise you can’t even dream it.

Whatever you are dreaming just believe that you can achieve it. Determine to take steps towards your possessions in the enemy camp because the limitations you are seeing are not real, but just in your imagination. 

To your success

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